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Why do we love facials in a scene?
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:09 pm
by dee
Out of intrest why is it that we all love to see a facial at the end of a scene? Some films are so programmed. BJ Fuck Ass Facial.
What is it in us that loves seeing someone shoot over a womans face. And putting pressure on male stars to be able to do this or no pay at the end of the scene.
Any thoughts?
Re: Why do we love facials in a scene?
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:20 pm
by daniel
i think the way fwd is going to be creampie finishes rather than facials
either way may be its latent homosexuality but men love seeing woman covered in cum(esp if the girls love it as well!)dee wrote:
> Out of intrest why is it that we all love to see a facial at
> the end of a scene? Some films are so programmed. BJ Fuck Ass
> Facial.
> What is it in us that loves seeing someone shoot over a
> womans face. And putting pressure on male stars to be able to
> do this or no pay at the end of the scene.
> Any thoughts?
Re: Why do we love facials in a scene?
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:48 pm
by steve56
after a long think about this i have come to the conclusion cos its xciting.
Re: Why do we love facials in a scene?
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:01 pm
by Mayfair/MensWorld Editor
I think there's something deeply satisfying about seeing a pretty young girl's upturned, eager face drenched in sticky white man piss.
But then I am a professional pervert and may have thought about it too much.
It's partly about the woman submitting to her partner, and partly because men are visually-driven and find it a lot easier to get off on. Otherwise Your Choice wouldn't have sent me the latest Private DVD which contains about four hours of cum shots! And that's a lot of man glue...
Re: Why do we love facials in a scene?
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:16 pm
by cheeky chappie
The answer to this question will be different for different men. I love seeing facials, (also bukkake), but know other guys don't.
Some will enjoy seeing it drip down the face, off the end of the chin, in the eyes, hair etc. With others it'll be a bit of a power thing, sense of dominance, (no matter what they say!)
Personally I find it a nice ending to a scene, especially if there are 2 or 3 guys involved with one female face! I know what you mean about films following the same old routine, but I suppose there's a bit in there for all tastes and if you want a specific topic there are plenty out there that cater for you, whether it be a BJ only vid, anal only etc.
Re: Creampies, the way forward?
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:54 pm
by Ace
Intresting post after a few down the local. Most cumshots in the 70's were over a womans bush, and you cannot beat that!!! If the cumshot was a result of doggie or anal, the spaff would be shown shooting over her arse. Then with the arrival of silicone tits, most cumshots were over the actresses great boobs. It seems a natural progression that the next target WOULD be the face and now that is old hat, it seems that we are back to square one again. Im all for it to be honest! I have a collection of 4 hours of cumshots and there is enough 'paste' to wallpaper an average sized lounge!
Re: Creampies, the way forward?
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:07 pm
by magoo
I must be the "odd man out" because facials do nothing for me. I niether like or dislike them I just have no opinion. They bore me. Its all so predictable. A bit like the awful 15 minute blow jobs in US films which I always fast forward through. For me the exciting bit is the shagging and the arousal of the woman and I couldnt care less whereabouts the guy dumps his goo. He could splash his chowder all over the curtains for all I care.
On the subject of cream-pies. I think they suggest a level of intimacy as to come inside the woman is natures way although aliens visiting earth and seeing our porn would believe we reproduce by spuffing in a girls eye like Ben does. But also for the woman to allow an internal could be a kick for many viewers as it seems almost kinky compared to the usual facial.
Re: Creampies, the way forward?
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:10 pm
by cheeky chappie
why not contact B&Q with your suggestion for a new wallpaper paste? Only thing would be the smell ....

Re: Creampies, the way forward?
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:35 pm
by magoo
I think wallpaper paste smells worse than gonad-glue.
Re: Why do we love facials in a scene?
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:35 pm
by Dave Wells
They did a survey in Yankland amongst punters and the #1 reason given was that it gave the impression of having the ultimate power over women. To take ones seed on the moosh.