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Rosemary England?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 3:49 pm
by joe king
Is it me or does she look a lot like Rosemary England(Jada Smith)?
Re: Rosemary England?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 4:01 pm
by Lizard
She does indeed look the same.
Re: Rosemary England?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 4:12 pm
by Ace
EXCELLENT find Joe, it IS her. Confused with the Alana Ford name, a cross between Anna Ford the newsreader and Alan Ford aka Bricktop from Snatch
Re: Rosemary England?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 4:20 pm
by vila
Yep, I'll go along with that, JK.
Re: Rosemary England?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 4:28 pm
by richy
Well..........she's certainly very similar, Joe - slightly wider hips though than the Rosemary of DS fame. Hey, dig that, like, really cool hairstyle, man! Far out!
Re: Rosemary England?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 4:55 pm
by Bayleaf
Not convinced old chap, as someone who bought (and probably still has) that Mayfair, I think I would have noticed the similarity at the time.
Have a loft clear-out scheduled for this spring, the truth is up there (as they misquote).
Re: Rosemary England?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:05 pm
by Richard B
As a very big Rosemary fan in my ill-spent youth, I can say the photos aren't her. For a start, the girl's boobs are far too small.
Very close, I'd admit - but not Rosemary. I wonder what "Rosemary" is doing now - all being well, she'll be around 50 and probably still gorgeous. Not too late for a website if she wants to make a bit of money out of those of use with very fond memories of those late 70s/early 80s days.
I'm surprised one of DS's lackeys hasn't cottoned on to this idea yet!
Re: Rosemary England?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:36 pm
by Ace
I am convinced it IS her, put it this way, Alana Smith looks more like Rosemarie than the 'Rosemarie' in Arabian Knights........if that makes sense?
Re: Rosemary England?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:48 pm
by Ace
Rosemarie would be 44 now and chances are she is running her B&B in her native Bournmouth which was her dream. One sexy landlady, thats for sure!!
Re: Rosemary England?
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:49 pm
by steve56
dont like repeating myself but like the bum shots of this girl!