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Terminal Decline

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:05 pm
by Peter
We're doomed.

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:36 am
by BigMattyP
It is such a shame to see this sort of thing going on, I can only assume it will get worse though until I am in charge at which point I will personally cut off the little fingers of each and every pirate convicted.....
The sad thing is that it will eventually ruin it for everyone and I have no idea how it could be controlled:(
Big Matty P

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:25 am
by one eyed jack
Blow up the world and start again in the garden of Eden perhaps?

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:32 am
by Porn Baron
It's much easier to bring your own fantasies to life now too. Many of the girls escort and allow you to film the encounter. Why not make and enjoy your own porn?

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:33 am
by one eyed jack
Serioulsy though, I know its getting bad all round when I hear of reduced rates, models not getting paid and all kinds of similar problems on the increase.

Models not getting paid by some dodgy new producer was a once in a blue moon thing, now Im hearing of models getting scammed every one to two weeks which will ultimately damage its image in the short term.

Serious amateurs should be concerned as thisis the area likely to be hit by suspicion and distrusting attitudes from new models

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:59 am
by BigMattyP
Hi Jack, I totally agree with you!
As you know I am very new to this industry and have only shot on a few occasions. I believe I am making some fairly decent quality content, I guess only time will tell but I find it incredible how many people there are who quite happily rip other peoples hard work for free.
I can't say I have any experience with models not showing up or those who have been scammed though. I try really hard to be as professional as I can, I pay promptly and have not cancelled anything so far. If I don't think I can make a shoot, I won't book it in the first place!
It makes me really sad to think that the adult industry is in a nosedive, I have wanted to become involved for such a long time that now I finally am involved (albeit in a very small way) I feel kinda cheated!
I wish I could see an answer to it. I just try to keep my head down and shoot little and often so that I can see it as more of an expensive hobby that may pay me back one day.
If it does all go bad then I won't have spent a huge amount of money and I will have some great stories and memories..... and some great porn in my collection :)

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:01 am
by one eyed jack
Personally I think its the action of the few that are impacting on the majority.

I dont think the entire industry is going this way but the few I hear it involves are people that are new or Ive never heard of them before.

My whinge about it is when I'm discussing with a new person interested in doing a shoot for Real Couples with a hostile attitude like they are expecting already Im puilling one over them already.

I usually kill these conversations quick by asing the reason for their hostility to which they usually apologise and the boyfriend gets on the phone and explains and it is something that totally doesnt involve me or my business practices but yet I am guilty by association because I shoot porn.

Admittedly this is only a couple times but twice more than I need in recent months. Now I'm suddenly the guru or hub for advice for industry gripes LOL

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:06 am
by BigMattyP
I've not had that problem yet mate but I can imagine that it isn't nice.
As for being a guru....? I have always found your posts to be both enlightening and helpful for what it is worth :)

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:15 am
by Dave Wells
Yep it is all going to end as we know it for sure. I have heard that the 'big' players don't actually mind that much because they feel safe enough being big enough - HA ! And the little guys will also be safe because they have very little expense and are just out to get laid.

The days of hiring someone like me to shoot them a quality product are finished. So I guess I am !

Anybody got any ideas what a 50 year old out of work pornographer can now do for a living ?? Answers on a postcard please !!

Re: Terminal Decline

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:50 am
by mp3
Retire? If you haven't saved up enough to comfortably live by the age of 50+ then maybe you should have been a bit more frugal in the past? After all are you working to live or living to work? The meaning of life isn't to drive yourself to an early grave after all. :D