Fantasy Football
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 8:16 am
Our new movie is cut and I am planning a showing in London with some of the stars attending, a little premier so it aint the Empire Leiceter Sq, should be end of march let me know who wants to come, Its free and you get a complimentary drink (one only Marcus)
I will put up the cover and a gallery on one of my sites and advise where it is.
On the subject of sites I have done a deal with some big boys and all my web sites will get a revamp staring with Gang Bang and then Fuck Truck, This is an area I have always negleted so it is a relief to get them sorted,
Jim & Violet. (Phil McC)
I will put up the cover and a gallery on one of my sites and advise where it is.
On the subject of sites I have done a deal with some big boys and all my web sites will get a revamp staring with Gang Bang and then Fuck Truck, This is an area I have always negleted so it is a relief to get them sorted,
Jim & Violet. (Phil McC)