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Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 11:04 am
by mutanthalibut
Why have so many postings been deleted?
I thoroughly understand and accept why you deleted my posting yesterday. But I am totally baffled as to why you have deleted mine and so many others today.
Worse censorship than the bbfc.

Re: Censorship

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 12:01 pm
by alec
The posts deleted were off topic and getting more so. The occasional joke is one thing but a whole thread is another, particularly when that thread was begun by someone who has no idea when to stop. That is why he gets less leeway than others.

Judgements (subjective and often arbitrary) have to be made in order to keep the forum reasonably on topic and prevent it starting down a slippery slope towards being dominated by posts which are totally irrelevant to the purpose of the site.

This is a forum which is run in a way which is very tolerant of off-topicality. We could delete absolutely everything that was off-topic, but we don't.

If you don't like the way the forum is run, tough.

Re: Censorship

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 12:28 pm
by Wink Wink
I think u are very fair in what you leave & what you delete...would not want to make the choice myself...but there is a line I guess.

Re: Censorship

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 2:34 pm
by Officer Dibble
Yeah, those irritating joke threads were beginning to get right up my nose to. They struck me as being exceedingly juvenile and totally irrelevant to anything, never mind porno - I didn?t want to say anything before as I thought I would just end up being branded as a miserable bastard.

But what will the joke posters do now? Hey, maybe they'll have to think of interesting, intelligent things to ask or say instead. Could be a bit of a culture shock for 'em.

Officer Dibble.

Re: Censorship

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 2:38 pm
by steve56
the jokes werent evreyones cup of tea,but on the other hand when theres talk of a possible WW3 looming on the horizon what could be better!

Re: Censorship

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 4:41 pm
by jj
Don't be such a pompous sourpuss.........
Nice way to start the day, IMO....although I do agree with 'less is more' sentiment.

Re: Censorship

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 4:42 pm
by jj
...errrr.....a nuclear shelter and a BCG suit?

Re: Censorship

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:54 pm
by mutanthalibut
On reflection a lot of my postings where way off topic, I was just entering into the spirit of things.
As far as officer dibble goes I thought the jokes where pretty funny. If humor gets up your nose well what can I say. As for being juvenille and what will we be able to post now....I think a lot of my posts where totaly on topic, I thanked people when ever I was helped and also tried to help others. I actually felt good about helping id someone for the 1st time earlier today.

Rest assured all my posts will be of a more sedate nature from now on....(well nearly all).


Mu Hal

Re: Censorship

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 7:50 pm
by magoo
I expect I am one of those who annoy you with irrelevant joke posts eh Dibble? Or are you talking about the posting of scripted jokes such as "A man walked into a bar...ouch!". My stuff is never from a joke book just ramblings and observations. Anyway your constant postings about how crap modern porn girls are might also be tiresome to some.

Anyway just to show theres no hard (oo-er I said hard(now thats juvenile)) feelings heres a joke especially for you:-

Q. How many policeman does it take to crack an egg?
A. None. It fell down the stairs on the way to the cells.

Q. How many Dibbles does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. Two. One to change the bulb and one to complain about how modern bulbs are not as sexy as the old gas lights.

Re: Censorship

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 8:11 pm
by Chairman Miaow
Mr Magoo, Sir
from your comments, I realise you are almost as old as HIMSELF.
You should form an old lags club -speaking of which, there was (I am reliably informed) by CERTAIN friends, and HIM ,an infamous screw at Wandsworth called Paddy Ryan who by now is with the Angels and who is my enemy by proxy because he hated all mankind(which is not mproblem) but also, PUSSIES!!!