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Well fuck you very much Benson Media!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:32 pm
by KazB
Dear Simon,

Thank you kindly for the anonymous e-mail you sent me today linking to your banal and scathing review site. Is business a little bit slow this month? I am guessing that is of course why you have launched this vitriolic assault on many uk models and performers including myself. After all you said yourself "No publicity is bad publicity" and it's quite blatantly obvious you use controversy as a means of looking for attention.

Or is it because certain girls do not confirm to your demands, especially when you clearly do not respect their levels which is quite clear both from my own experience and from reading some of your comments on the site. Remember the majority of society is not into power play or mind games. These girls are models and do not exist merely to bolster your ego and pander to your whim by exceeding their levels and playing the subservient fucktoy you seem to want them to be.

Or perhaps it is because you are an arsehole? Although all of the above would be an obvious choice.

Now we have got that out of the way, lets pick some holes in your flawed and petty review (no pun intended).

You state on your site:

6. Kaz B - UK based model. Great energy but arrived late with greasy hair, spots, no makeup or concealer and several pounds heavier than her photographs. 4/10

Firstly regarding my punctuality - you pick a hotel in London that is extremely difficult to find leading me to believe it is near the tube station and then fail to be able to give me any useful directions! If you had taken the time to either send me a map and directions or even met me at the tube station like most producers do I would not have wasted so much time trawling the streets with a massive suitcase looking for a venue I had been told was 'near the tube'!

With regards to my skin and make up....I do not wear full make up on the tube as it tends to end up smeared down my face when crushed into a hot and tiny compact space. However I do not go ANYWHERE without applying my base make up consisting of foundation, powder and blusher so this is utter bollocks. I do not recall having any spots - if I had done I would have apologised profusely in advance and these would be well covered with MAC primer and foundation and YSL Touche eclat which I believe is the industry standard! Furthermore I do not see ANY spots in the picture you posted of myself after the shoot.... [img][/img]

Furthermore When I finally found your location I applied further make up from the bag I carry with me at all times to ensure I was shine free, glossy lipped and camera ready.

The fact that in the last year alone I have spent several grand on skincare, micropeels, & minor cosmetic procedures alone - kind of indicates that I am eager to take care of my appearance and would hardly go to all this expense and effort and then not bother applying make up!

I always wash my hair before a shoot so if it appeared greasy this was undoubtedly a result of running round London desperately trying to follow your vague directions.

As for your comments about my weight - as a very short model my weight does vary a little from time to time and when you are only 4'10 it shows more. As a result I have a BROAD selection of images online which span every look and weight I maintain and Tiger has met me several times in the past. Looking at the picture you have posted, whilst I am curvy and no anorexic I do not seeing a lard arse staring back - if had wanted a rake thin model you should have told me in advance and I would have been able to inform you that you were looking in the wrong place!

Furthermore, no complaint was raised by yourself during or after the shoot - only now. In fact I even still have an e-mail from Tiger that says:

"Hi Kaz.

Thanks for the great shooting babe :) Had fun and good to see you again.

Finally found the ring and earrings... Simon placed it somewhere where he forgot.
Such a palava!!!!! At least it is all ok now. Got me in tears.

Anyway, great shooting. Hope you enjoyed.

Thanks alot and hear from you soon.


This leads me to ask - if it was great then , why the change of heart now? Or is it merely a cynical plot to gain more exposure?

Lets continue with your reviews of some of the other models and looki into what they could possible mean....

"15. Monica Haze - Tall UK model. Very poor energy. She walked off a shoot halfway thru! Still claims to be fetish BDSM model but has no understanding about what's involved or any pain threshold. Dreamer. 1/10"

So basically you wanted to pay her non nude rates for extreme fetish, tried to push her boundaries and levels and upset her and then got pissed off when she left the set. Nice one Simon, perhaps you have no understanding of how to treat human beings or treat people with professionalism.

"23. Nikki H - UK, North based model. Turned up with unannounced chaperone. Paid her ?50 to go away. 0/10 "

So the model followed safety protocols and sensibly brought along a chaperone for her personal safety, but of course chaperones have a nasty habit of keeping an eye out for their colleague and making sure they are not taken advantage of. I can see why this riled you to the extent you "paid her to go away".

In fact models being concerned for their safety seems to be an ongoing problem for you...

40. Louisa Lockheart - Wanted to bring chaperone. Duh. We cancelled shoot. 0/10

I do not see why anyone would have a problem with a chaperone as long as they kept out of the way and didn't interrupt the harmony of the shoot. When we shoot content with other girls we always encourage them to bring a boyfriend or friend so they are more relaxed.

I'm not sure if this one is a criticism...43. Jasmine Webb -Wanted champagne on set!? But very photogenic. 8/10 but if so ironic as several times you suggested I partake in alcoholic beverages during the shoot but I declined.

I suggest if you wish to start a site publishing libelous and defamatory statements that you first of all try to have a clue what you are talking about and secondly avoid contradicting yourself by informing you were pleased with their work and later publishing disparaging untruths.

There are more comments about other models on your site which I do not have the time or inclination to dissect, but some of them are merely superficial claims such as "was useless" but without any substantiating evidence or reason as to why - other than the suggestion that they did not live up to whatever expectation you had of them. Sorry that I did not clearly live up to your expectations of a nice, quiet submissive bitch but then I guess that's what you get for hiring a model that also works as a dominatrix.

It's clear that you view women as walking scoreboards with your ingenious rating system that allows them marks out of ten in your little game. Perhaps you should keep the head trip off the internet and take up any genuine problems with the models directly rather than making yourself look like even more than an arse.

Sill it's safer isn't it to sit behind your little keyboard in Holland rather than tackle a problem head on at a shoot.

Until you are able to substantiate any of your ludicrous claims about myself, please remove your libelous comments about me from your website with immediate effect.

You also owe me an apology for your misconduct; however given the extremely low chance of this ever happening, allow me to take this opportunity to even things out a small percentage by pointing out what an attention-crazed narcissistic fuckwit you at all times appear to be.

Re: Well fuck you very much Benson Media!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:00 pm
by Tequila_Woods
LMAO... And this is why i loove Kaz...a sexy girl with brains who pulls no punches. The post will no doubt be deleted tho :(

Kaz, long time no speak! We need to meet up for a drink hun. You still in brum?

Oh and absolutely ADORE the collar and lead in that pic!

Re: Well fuck you very much Benson Media!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:08 pm
by SexySaucySally

I haven't worked with you but I totally agree with every word you've written. I've read posts by this guy, seen the 'scorecard' on the site and with such stuff it just makes me steer away from such folk and totally avoid them.

Sorry you've had such a write up
Sally x

What a nasty little piece of shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:14 pm
by J.J.
First things first - the offending page is here, read it an marvel at the pettiness therein; if you know any of the models named on there then prepare to be stunned by the outright vitriolic lying present throughout.

More vitriol to follow... say that shit about my girlfriend, you utter cuntard...

Re: What a nasty little piece of shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:16 pm
by Tequila_Woods
Hi J.J *waves* lol

Re: What a nasty little piece of shit...

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:18 pm
by J.J.
www. benson /references.html - link will need copy/pasting & spaces removing as it keeps getting removed automatically!

Re: Well fuck you very much Benson Media!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:41 pm
by KazB
Hi Tequila

How you doing babe? I'm still in Brum and would love to catch up sometime over a drink.

I'll mail my mobile number over to you shortly. JJ sends his love by the way X

Re: Well fuck you very much Benson Media!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:50 pm
by videokim
Hi Kaz

I loved your post secrets out of scoring etc he will find it hard to get decent models, every model is different in her looks & energy which is what makes porn exciting...if they were all the same we would all be soon bored.
Film makers who don't allow chaperones are not Pro's & should be avoided, anyone with some savvy will know you get the best out of a model if they feel safe & as long as the chaperone stays out the way what harm does it do.
You have an hidden witty writing talent Kaz because even though you were serious in this case it still made me laugh, lets hope he see's the error of his ways & removes the silly schoolboy scoring.

Kim x

Re: Well fuck you very much Benson Media!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:20 pm
by Charbbw
Kaz B hats off to you for posting this babe. I felt like making posts like this but stopped myself as I didn't want to give these no makes free expose on this site.

Well done.

CharDonnay xXx

Re: Well fuck you very much Benson Media!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:58 pm
by Rachael Irons Fan
That's why we love you Kaz B.
You are like that IZAL toilet paper they had years ago.
"Rough, tough, don't take shit off no-one"