o/t little help from tech boys please..

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

o/t little help from tech boys please..

Post by chubbs »

'cos i'm a cheap bastard, i still have a 56k, consequently if i download anything over 13meg, my 2 hour cutoff comes in and kills my connection and, s i have found out, my pc refuses to remember where it was up to and starts again from scratch (probably because it's a dumb-ass) so do any of you know of any programs or hints as to stop this bleedin' annoying habit of my time machine or am i going to have to swallow my pride(mnyeau!!) and purchase me some broadband activity?

Re: o/t little help from tech boys please..

Post by jj »

You need a download manager to allow you to resume from where you left off: a lot of fileshare programs also have these built-in.
A search here will turn up the relevant URLs (I hope...).

Re: o/t little help from tech boys please..

Post by jj »


Re: o/t little help from tech boys please..

Post by Steven »

Go!Zilla is another good one.

Opera browser is a free alternative to internet explorer and comes free with PC Pro magazine or free from www.opera.com (if you can stay online long enough to download it.

Its more than just a browser - it has a download manager, e-mail client and news reader all incorporated.

Re: o/t little help from tech boys please..

Post by C »

If you can stretch to broadband you'll soon be wondering why you didn't do it sooner!!! No one EVER goes back.

It's bliss, did one 80Mg download in 27mins!
That would make your 13Mg download about 4-5min!?!


Re: o/t little help from tech boys please..

Post by buttsie »

Enough of that cheap crap

I'm a 56ker because the powers that be in Australia want to rip me off blind to use Broadband

I use Real Download Basic 4...4 downloads at a time
So simple even I understand it...never had a problem with it
but then I'm not into downloading massive files

You can find it easily enough on
and as its free its probably got spy/adware attached so you should run Spybot after installing any so called Free program

mike johnson

Re: o/t little help from tech boys please..

Post by mike johnson »

You can go to spychecker.com & run a search on any program you are considering downloading; just takes a couple seconds.

Re: o/t little help from tech boys please..

Post by chubbs »

you are, each and every one of you, lovely lads- given half a chance i'd do the lot of yer (!) so for now, i'm gonna try an agent to see if it really is any quicker before i blow my load on broadband, but you know i'm going to sooner or later. incidentaly, my deepest sympathies to buttsie, i didn't realise you had it so hard in that sun-drenched sub-tropical paradise you live on!

Re: o/t little help from tech boys please..

Post by jj »

.....apart from the goannas, funnel-webs, box-jellies, blue-ring octopi, bush-fires, scorching heat, torrential rain, daft songs, dafter headgear, and John Howard, it's a Paradise !!!

But they are exceedingly good at Sport.......

Re: o/t little help from tech boys please..

Post by buttsie »

All the poisonous animals live mainly inland,in the mountain ranges or on the East Coast...that includes little Johnny H
Apart from the Huntsman Spider(nasty bite) that is currently colonising my house
He/She's eating all the bugs so he can stay for a while
and when he/she's asleep one night...splatt with me trusty thong

Daft Songs...who have you been listening to?

Weathers much nicer in London....Gods own Sewerage plant..a flushing every 30 minutes!!!!!...lol

The Aussie market for broadband is still too small
Mainly focussed on business

For 20 pounds a month on broadband 256k I get a whole 350mbs free...excess 6pence per mb
Last month on 56k I did 1650mbs in 200 hours on the net...I'm no mathematician but if I swapped to broadband I'd be paying roughly
98 pounds(cheapest option) a month compared to my current 30 pounds

Complete bullshit is what I call it...unlimited hours with no dial up charges but limited downloads
