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Why did you remove my post.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:49 am
by Marino
Come on mods does the truth hurt porn that much? that you had to remove my post.

I have supported the BGAFD since the beginning so maybe it is time to stand up and be counted intsead of just removing posts that make you feel a little uncomfortable.

If anyone is offered services by this person they should heed my warning.
As this country keeps it's head stuck in the sand and is happy to let people get stuffed in the bum. then keep on removing posts.

If I really had to expose the real truth most of you would be outraged just like I am.

If anyone wants more information about a complete liar and rip off merchant posing as a lovely person please drop me a mail.

Remember mods you are only protecting the perpitraitors and not the victims.

Re: Why did you remove my post.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:04 am
by The Jigster
Nicely put Marino!



Re: Why did you remove my post.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:45 am
by BGAFD Admin
Marino wrote:

> Remember mods you are only protecting the perpitraitors and not
> the victims.

No, we are protecting ourselves - from threats of legal action, from being made piggy-in-the-middle for issues that we have no connection with, from being fooled by people whose real motives we don't understand (not you, in this case but as a general principle), from constantly having to put out flame wars which keep springing back to life. All of which would result in far more posts being removed and profiles deleted than is currently the case.

We've been absolutely clear about our name-and-shame policy since the year dot so you can't be that surprised we didn't allow your post to remain up. The point is, it's not personal. It's not because we don't believe you. It's because we have to draw a line as to what is and is not permissible in order to protect our own interests and to make running the forums a practical option. The alternative is to allow some people to post potentially libelous allegations but not others - an endless source of aggravation: "If so-and-so can post such-and-such why can't I post this? What have you got against me? Who are you really working for? What's your angle?". Ad infinitum...

No doubt Terry will chime in at some point and invite you to post on UKAP, if you haven't done so already. That really is the best place for this sort of grievance. We've always appreciated your input to the forums as someone who's not only given a lot to the industry but has also, despite the ups-and-downs of the business and life in general, remained a cheery, self-deprecating sort. We hope you continue to be so and that you do eventually get what you are due - if not today, then maybe tomorrow.

The dismal fact is it's hard enough to please some of the people some of the time, let alone all of the people all of the time. All we can do is make that as clear as possible from the outset so that no one is in any doubt as to our limitations and consequently, where we stand - i.e. slightly to the side, not in the middle.

Re: Why did you remove my post.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:58 am
by funessex
Jeez ... what a well written reply .... the Mods on here take their Eats Shoots and Leaves seriously don't they.

Have emailed you Marino

Re: Why did you remove my post.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:40 am
by Sarah Kelly
Thanks for bringing this to peoples attention marino-its hard enough for established AND new performers alike to make a buck at times,without investing all the time and money involved in providing site content only to be ripped off at the end of it..... you ,(and posts like this) provide us with an invaluable service.....Thank you x

Re: Why did you remove my post.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:12 am
by one eyed jack
Ha! You guys know me so well and i take that as a compliment. Im not trying to steal your audience base from here either but there are places best left to discuss things where fan forums dont like to go for reasons you quite rightly pointed out.

Personally if no names were mentioned I dont see the point removing the post but rules is rules i suppose and they are laid out on your FAQs

Re: Why did you remove my post.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:25 pm
by kiNky erOtica
I never read it that way... I read it BGAFD are saying that Terry would invite Marino to post his offending post on UKAP forum as they have different rules... made perfect sense to me...

Re: Why did you remove my post.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:31 pm
by videokim
No Terry may be slighty outspoken sometimes but he is one of the good guys of the industry who watches most of our backs, Marino & Terry are good friends & anyone who's anyone will know this...
Please let me know whats going on Marino as we know lots of guys & girls & this info could be useful.
