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Fan Mail- Its a wonderful life...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 3:42 pm
by Layla~Jade
Here is an extract from an email I received this morning...
Gotta luv it...
I wonder if his girlie thinks I might come and take him away...
Definitely made me smile...

Luv Lay

"First off I really enjoy your work. You are very beautiful and talented. You
are extremely passionate on screen and you look stunning. My girlfriend gets
jealous when I watch your films :)"

Re: Fan Mail- Its a wonderful life...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 3:57 pm
by jj
Wouldn't imagine the girlie will stay around for that long......

Re: Fan Mail- Its a wonderful life...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 4:10 pm
by Ace
Something thats personal between an adoring fan and you should be kept private. Pretty sure he wouldn't be impressed with you for revealing his innermost thoughts.

Re: Fan Mail- Its a wonderful life...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 4:36 pm
by RockCharogne
Well at least he was anonymous!!! Speaking as another adoring fan - I don't think my other half would be jealous if she found me watching Lay's films - I think she would hospitalise me!! But you've got to have some personal space haven't you!!!


Re: Fan Mail- Its a wonderful life...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 5:39 pm
by MisterC
Maybe she should learn to do anal-cowgirl to prolong her stay :-)

Re: Fan Mail- Its a wonderful life...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 11:00 pm
by Layla~Jade
Hey Ace... you said...

Something that's personal between an adoring fan and you should be kept private. Pretty sure he wouldn't be impressed with you for revealing his innermost thoughts.

What about my most intimate sexual moments ? Should they be kept private too ?


Re: Fan Mail- Its a wonderful life...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 1:29 am
by Shaun?
I'm sure there are times when you and your partner are getting down to it that the last thing you're thinking off is "How does this look?" Even the hardest working porn star needs a bit of old fashioned romancing from time to time, which I'm sure you get from your partner.

Re: Fan Mail- Its a wonderful life...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 4:57 am
by Ace
Layla, as much as I respect your work and have several of your videos giving testiment of your legendary performances, I am afraid you are wrong on this one. Your intimate sexual moments are recorded for your adoring public because YOU decide to let people see them. That is soley YOUR choice and whatever financial monies you make from them is, again, soley down to you. Nobody questions that, but the 'fan' who wrote to applaud you did so as a 'fan' and am sure he wanted that to remain personal and not to be aired on a popular forum like this. I am not entering into a debate on this issue, but he obviously respects you, please afford him the same respect.

Re: Fan Mail- Its a wonderful life...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 5:49 am
by steve56
ithink its fun to share sexual xperiences ,its a fun thing as long as no one gets can learn from others in this way

Re: Fan Mail- Its a wonderful life...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2003 7:23 am
by John
I can see Ace's point, and I have to say that I tend to "side" with him on this one... WHY?

Well - whilst Lay hasn't broken a confidence (the guy remains anonymous), she has sorts "taken the pi*s"... It's a sorta condescending tone attached to her post. If the guy wanted to make such a declaration public he could have done it on this forum - the fact that he did it through a personal email say's it was "personal"

But - the fact that the guy has remained anonymous it is a case of "no harm done" to HIM... I think the only harm done has perhaps been to Lay herself... The perceived condescening tone of her post and the fact that she brought the content of a personal email publicmight make others think twice before mailing her... BUT MAYBE THAT AINT A BAD THING... I'm sure fan-mail can get boring!
