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Should I book a model who cancelled on me B4???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:14 am
by Daz Savage
I booked a relatively new model on three occasions.

Cancellation 1 - I booked her and when I called to confirm a week later (something I always do on a day near the shoot to make sure that everything is cool and good-to-go) she said she wouldn't be coming because she had double-booked me.
I said okay and accepted that there was a misunderstanding. !idontbelieveit!

Cancellation 2 - Booked her again at her request and then she called me with literally an hour to go and said that she had a cold.
I sympathized and wished her a speedy recovery. !annoyed!

Cancellation 3 - This time I even I arranged to pick her up from home (and deliver her back again afterwards) to make damn-sure nothing could go wrong... but got a call the evening before and this time something else had cropped-up to force a cancellation. !swear!

After each cancellation it is the model that has chased me for a re-booking so I'm sure it's not something I am doing to upset them.
Now, after quite a while, I'm being asked by her again...!deadhorse!
So what do you think should I do? !shrug!
I already have an opinion but would love to hear yours.

Re: Should I book a model who cancelled on me B4??

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:17 am
by MelodyChase
Tough call Daz, maybe say yes you will book her again but should she cancel there will be no rebook and you will name her to all other producers as its wasting your time, or maybe in a bit soft lol.


Re: Should I book a model who cancelled on me B4??

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:19 am
by Smithy
I'd let her have one last chance! If she cancels again, that's it - never again.

Re: Should I book a model who cancelled on me B4???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:24 am
by JB
I'd say no. Reward reliability by booking reliable models and ignoring the unprofessional ones. That way, unreliable people will either learn to improve, or won't get any work and quit the business.

She cancelled because of a cold at one hour notice? Did this cold just sneak up and jump on her at the last minute? Hasn't she heard of Lemsip? She's had her chances - give the money to someone who deserves it!

Re: Should I book a model who cancelled on me B4???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:27 am
by nick_modelsfirst
Three strikes and out for me I'm afraid.

Re: Should I book a model who cancelled on me B4???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:39 am
by Twingo
As mentioned only reward the reliable models with shoots......otherwise the unreliable ones will never learn.

Re: Should I book a model who cancelled on me B4???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:47 am
by Masie
Why dont you book me instead? :O) promise not to have a cold.

Its a hard one this as when you first start out in this job, it is very easy to let things get on top of you, so double bookings are more likley to happen and you do try to persiver with things like colds for fear of looking unproffessional which can lead to sudden cancelations if you were sicker than you hoped you were. I'd be tempted to offer her the fourth shoot at reduced rates. Let her know that she has cost you money in the past however good her reasons and to safe guard against your potential further losses you will only shoot her at say 2/3 rate. If she proves her self all good, full rates next time you will act as a reference for future work. See how serious she really is as with 3 cancelations you want to make sure shes not waiting aroudn to se eif better paying shoots are about on same day

Re: Should I book a model who cancelled on me B4???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:57 am
by jimslip
No! Do not rebook her, ever!

Re: Should I book a model who cancelled on me B4???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:59 am
by Masie
Calm down Jim save that passion for the 12th x x

Re: Should I book a model who cancelled on me B4??

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:09 am
by Benson_Media

Book Masie Dee. She has a horse to feed.

Daz can you email me off forum and let me know who that was?

Here our my company model reviews: