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Pornstar, Glamour Model, Escort

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 9:29 am
by FastFix
Good afternoon,

I am looking at doing a project involving people working in the industry who also escort.

Please contact me if you are a Pornstar/Glamour model who also escorts as I have some ideas to discuss with you.

Discretion assured - email

Re: Pornstar, Glamour Model, Escort

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:16 pm
by funessex
Not sure if you can mention the E word on here!

Re: Pornstar, Glamour Model, Escort

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:48 pm
by glamourchicks

Hi Fastfix, there are a few girl's that do both on adultwork if it help's. Gary

Re: Pornstar, Glamour Model, Escort

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 2:29 pm
by rednose
I do find it fun that there are reviews of the "Real Punting" series of films on the site, but mentioning the girls that feature on the films breaks the forums rules!


Re: Pornstar, Glamour Model, Escort

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:48 pm
by TonyJ
so if i advertised for a girl to do a POV / Gonzo for my 'amateur, private collection' for ?200 that'd be classed as legit on here but if i asked her to give me a blow job and a wank for ?200 thats 'against rules'.

A tad hypocritical IMHO

Re: Pornstar, Glamour Model, Escort

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 9:16 pm
by videokim
Both jobs involve taking making for sex so why is it such a big taboo & shock to most?
I have been around long enough to know loads & loads of girls do this, the jobs go together more than people know or don't choose to know.
The rules are the rules though & we have to repect that its because its a model forum & not because of any moral high grounds regarding the girls work (i hope).

Kim x

Re: Pornstar, Glamour Model, Escort

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 4:25 am
by Daz Savage
No it's not hypocritical at all Tony.
One is legal and the other is not.

Re: Pornstar, Glamour Model, Escort

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 7:31 am
by fanboy
Daz prostituion is not legal,its the activities associated with it thats illegal.Like owning a brothel,kerb crawling.Paying for sex is very legal.

Re: Pornstar, Glamour Model, Escort

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 11:27 am
by videokim
Both are as legal as each other & both pay tax & have health checks etc, only difference is ones filmed & the other isn't, also one is established & been going from the begining of time & the other is fairly new & trying to compete on a different acceptable level of providing sex for profit by way of films.
I look at my friends who do this & sratch my head wondering if i'm doing the right job as most of them earn ?2000+ a week & 2 of them are even buying a second home on tax relief.
Escorting if done correct is just one of the many jobs in the sex industry, some are still living in the dark ages with their morals & you have to smile & humour these people as you wonder why they are in this industry & not working in a shop or factory where they would be better suited.

Kim x