Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2003 5:01 pm
over the past couple of years, a community has evolved through the bgafd forum, forged upon a common interest in the sensual arts crafted within this island nation. indeed, many of you have acquired an intimate knowledge of the subject matter and regularly proffer your accumulated wisdom to those not so well versed in the ways of brit porn. we now want to tap into this vast knowledge base in a more effective manner than ever before...
tonight, bgafd is proud to announce a new weapon in our mission to enlighten and empower the great british porn consumer - the bgafd reviews section! if you toddle on over to where we used to stock a haphazard array of site banners, you will now find a full-on 'amazon' type review facility. here you can contribute directly to the bgafd community by posting your own experiences, benefiting those sites which give value for money and spurring on those providers who need to try a little harder, to higher standards of service.
to this end, please read carefully all of the guidance given on the relevant pages - particularly the review guidelines, as this may spare both you and us wasted time and energy. we all know that some forumites are major cheerleaders for their favourite models, but please bear in mind that constructive criticism is useful to everyone. in other words, blind praise is of little use to either the model/webmaster concerned or potential members of a site.
this is only the first phase of what we hope will be a milestone year in bgafd's developement. so watch this space...
tonight, bgafd is proud to announce a new weapon in our mission to enlighten and empower the great british porn consumer - the bgafd reviews section! if you toddle on over to where we used to stock a haphazard array of site banners, you will now find a full-on 'amazon' type review facility. here you can contribute directly to the bgafd community by posting your own experiences, benefiting those sites which give value for money and spurring on those providers who need to try a little harder, to higher standards of service.
to this end, please read carefully all of the guidance given on the relevant pages - particularly the review guidelines, as this may spare both you and us wasted time and energy. we all know that some forumites are major cheerleaders for their favourite models, but please bear in mind that constructive criticism is useful to everyone. in other words, blind praise is of little use to either the model/webmaster concerned or potential members of a site.
this is only the first phase of what we hope will be a milestone year in bgafd's developement. so watch this space...