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Distribution, sales, rights, etc.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:33 pm
by fetishtog
Hi all,

'Bit of a serious question this, but any help would be appreciated.

I've just shot (now editing) my first adult film and will soon be looking for a distributor.

I have a list of 5 or 6 distributors working in the UK, but whom would you recommend I approach first?

Which pays the most? Or do they all offer vaguely the same price? Does anyone know the current value of a finished film?

Presumably most distributors offer a flat rate, rather than a percentage of sales? Or perhaps some offer both?

Are there any companies that should be avoided at all costs? Obviously, I'm looking for a distributor who I can return to time and time again, with finished product, so I'm looking for a good, long term, business relationship, rather than just a quick buck.

What rights do distributors generally purchase? Just British DVD rights, America, Europe or worldwide? And for how long? Or is it generally a fixed period, or in perpetuity?

Is there such a thing as a sales agent within the adult market? (Within traditional film markets a sales agent will sell the film to foreign territories, for the producer) Or do producers generally do this themselves?

Is there somewhere online I can view a sample agreement between a producer and a distributor?

Hope these endless, naive questions are of interest to others.

Thanks (in advance) for all your help.

Re: Distribution, sales, rights, etc.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:38 am
by fetishtog
Can nobody answer any of my questions?

If not, perhaps some kind soul could direct me to a site where I might find a few answers...

Please. Pretty please. :)


Re: Distribution, sales, rights, etc.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:53 am
by Benson_Media
'first adult film'..could you be less vague?

Re: Distribution, sales, rights, etc.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:59 pm
by paul jones
One reason for the silence is that you have just announced, to all those that know the answers, that there is a new competitor. Wonderful, just what they all need in a recession :-)

The short answer is "everything is negotiable" and all values depend entirely on what you have actually got to sell.

One thing for free - the distributors are also looking for people who will keep delivering quality material.

Actually two things. There is no such animal in this biz as a fast buck, not for many years since...


Re: Distribution, sales, rights, etc.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:37 pm
by marshman
I am amazed that you get to where you are now,and then decide to ASK these sort of questions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,and after the usual spot on advice from Paul good luck.

Re: Distribution, sales, rights, etc.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:36 am
by joe king

Re: Distribution, sales, rights, etc.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:37 am
by fetishtog
Just a quickie to say thank you to everyone who's kindly contributed to this thread. Negatively or positively; it's all appreciated.

I haven't gone into this entirely blind, I did a fair bit of market research with retailers before I started filming and to a lesser degree with distributors - but clearly I still need to know more before I approach them with any product.

And yes, I do understand why people aren't entirely willing to help a new competitor. :)

Hopefully my work won't tread on anybody else's toes.
