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I've seen her in some DS mags from early 80's
stills from cpwm
Possibly this mag has harder stills (in Simon Sheridan's book cpwm he has girl without panties(how did she she get them off?) and mary with hand on pubes)
Recent R18s
OMAR'S AMAZING TRIUMPHS - BRITISH LOTTY TOTTY 7 Omar Williams Maria,Layla~Jade,Debbie (with cuts by substitution)
ADDICTED 2 COCK!! by Ben Dover
o/t wendy williams and stuff
O/T Re: o/t wendy williams and stuff
I thought for a minute that you meant the late Wendy O. Williams, from the 80's punk group The Plasmatics, who did some porn cameos in films such as "800 Fantasy Lane".
Re: O/T Re: o/t wendy williams and stuff
Thats the one I thought you were on about as well. Her shows were raunchier, and more real than Madonna's
Re: O/T Re: o/t wendy williams and stuff
irecall wendy think she had a chainsaw in her act?
Re: O/T Re: o/t wendy williams and stuff
great stuff Joe!
and thank's for the 'Karen Mifflin' set's the other day
iam still them....
and thank's for the 'Karen Mifflin' set's the other day
iam still them....