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fraudulent facebook account beware

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:15 pm
by Jez Christ
Hi, Just thought I should bring to notice the fact that a snidey little shit who needs a good kicking has put a facebook account up and is pretending to be me.
I have been told by a number of people now that the cheeky little twat has even been chatting to girls posing as me. He has also been using an email address that isn't me either.
I have got a myspace account that is real. i did want to do a facebook account but now that looks like it would get messy.
I know who you are so please dont make me have to drive all the way round to your house and get myself arrested. Innit DR.
Love Jez

Re: fraudulent facebook account beware

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:43 pm
by one eyed jack
I wonder if its the same guy thats been setting up fake profiles for Lacie Maguire and Nick Field...Well out of order.

Some well dodgy people looking for a slap upside their head these days on facebook.

You should report it to the police Jez and fuck em up good and proper. This is really serious , especially when you consider that idiot going around killing women on Facebook too. a bit over the top I know but you never know.

Re: fraudulent facebook account beware

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:44 pm
by Dave Wells
Go round and give him what he deserves.

Re: fraudulent facebook account beware

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:01 pm
by Daz Savage
Who are you anyway?

Re: fraudulent facebook account beware

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:14 pm
by Keiranlee
Nottingham is a long drive from Manchester.....

Who would want to be uncle Knob head anyway????

Re: fraudulent facebook account beware

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:48 am
by NJField
Tell you one thing when I get hold of the C**t ill sort him out.... but names to be careful of on Facebook as they all seem to be linked are...

Sammie Dudley (its a guy)
Cloe Anderson (its the same guy)
Kellis Davies (guess what.... No s**t its a guy an the same as above)

Atlantic Models, ATCUK, ATC Models and Cheeky Models have also been mentioned to be linked to the above and confirmed by a number of models that thay are FAKE and that a number of threats have been made aswell as other issues..

There has been two groups set up on Facebook about the named above and a group was made by the FAKE Kellis Davies called Model Safe

There was also a Fake Nick Field, Lacey Maguire, Nikki Jayne (Obviously someone knows me and the girls I work with - though these fakes have hopefully been deleted)

For your own safety please be careful regarding the above and if anyone hears anything let me know


Re: fraudulent facebook account beware

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:12 am
by Dave Wells
Jez, I notice that you have added me on myspace. Was that you or this joker ?

Just in case as well

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:29 am
by randyandy
Not sure if a fraudulent account but if anyone does see it the Randy Andy on there isn't me.

I only mention it because I've joined some of the models pages and noticed this 'Randy Andy' on the same pages as well.

Re: fraudulent facebook account beware

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:01 pm
by JB
I'd love to see when someone finally catches up with this wanker. Post the video on Facebook please? !happy!

Re: Just in case as well

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:43 pm
by Andy Mann
Dave, that is The Real Jez on myspace, and the best way to contact him mate..


There are some truly sad cunts out there mate, after all everyone knows there is only one Jez Christ! Hope you are well and you need to pop round for some Call of Duty 4, you nearly clocked the game mate! (Well, you did the easy bits I took over for the bad ass end of level sections if i recall! lol)..If you're not busy weekend pop round for a brew and a chat dude..

Andy Mann