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o/t classic glamour photographers
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 12:37 pm
by Mikey
What ever happened to the very popular photographers from the 80's-90's like joannie Allum, Gordon Milne etc. Their standard of workmanship was excellent, far better than most of the photographers nower days. Their sets seemed to follow a theme, ie suspender belt colour matching a vase or something in the shot ! Very classic and erotic !!...not just legs as far open as possible !
Your views
Re: o/t classic glamour photographers
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 12:53 pm
by Bayleaf
Certainly a lack of competent art direction. Seems to be down to whether a photographer dresses the model or simply shoots her in what she turns up in.
Still some excellent stuff around, do a Google search on Suze Randall for both soft and hard stuff.
Many of the new crop of digital photographers can't tell soft-focus from out-of-focus. With slow shutter speeds there's blurring of the action too.
And worst of all they have no editorial judgement. They're attitude seems to be "I've shot 250 pix and I'm damn well posting 250 pix so that you can spend your time editing them down to a decent set of 20 cos I can't be arsed".
Re: o/t classic glamour photographers
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 1:51 pm
by Officer Dibble
"Certainly a lack of competent art direction. Seems to be down to whether a photographer dresses the model or simply shoots her in what she turns up in."
Yep, and they sure turn up in some shit nowadays, jeans, trainers, the ubiquitous, and exceedingly style free, cropped top thingy with the straps going over the shoulders. Think Atomic Kitten.
An honourable mention for Rachel Travers. She is one of the few to turn up looking like a proper glamour girl - some might say she looked like n Essex Girl or a 'Footballer's Wife' all lip gloss, eye shadow and white stilettos - think an upmarket 'Cat' from Eastenders ? but to me she looked very agreeable. The point is she had made an effort to dolly herself up for the camera and the guys who would ultimately be buying the product because that's her art, that's her craft. The vast majority of girls you get now can't be arsed to mess about like that. The just expect to come along, without doing anything with their hair, whip their knickers off for an hour then stick their hand out for ?300.oo or so. They have no art, they have no craft.
My neighbour's eyes nearly popped out as Rachel arrived in her little sports scar - all blonde, miniskirted and leopard print top! He doesn?t know what I do but as he stood by the old farm gate passing the time of day. He gave us knowing "Mornin? as if to say - "Ooh arrhhg, I know want ye be up to with yonder dolly bird. Wheyhey!"
Later on after Rachel had left my colleague remarked, "Did you see her eyes, how beautifully she had made them up? You don't see much of that nowadays. That's a sign of a proper model, a professional.
Re: o/t classic glamour photographers
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 2:35 pm
by Lizard
You never say in a few choice words,what you can say in a books worth dibbsy! still,I have to agree 100%,she,s a No 1 babe for sure. and blue eyes to boot!
sheer class,I would love to brew up for her!might even make you one.
Lucky sod.
Re: o/t classic glamour photographers
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 2:52 pm
by Officer Dibble
Hey, next time the lovley Rachel graces Dibble Towers you can come and be tea-dude!
Re: o/t classic glamour photographers
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 3:19 pm
by Jon
Hi agree with you totally,Joanne Allum I is still going not sure about her husband who was also a photographer ,Joanne was also the girl in the famous Dormleiu advert picture ,but Gordon Milne was, I believe Donald Milne and sadly I understand he has passed away.As a regular reader of Mayfair, before the takeover the sets and the girls were magnificant, any reader remember Harriet and Ann Markham Vol 17 No 9 issued in 1982.As a matter of interest I knew Ann Markham the centre spread of the above and photographed by Donald for the set, she received ?500.00 as it was specially comissioned.A bit different from today
Re: o/t classic glamour photographers
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 3:41 pm
by horace ward
Well here's one of them...a photographer you were talking about,someone else besides me was COLIN RAMSAY,we were doing pictures for SPICK & SPAN,and RUSSELL GAY,the early editions of Fiesta & Knave.Then onto KEN BOUND'S mag MAYFAIR...GIRLS ILLUSTRATED,remember chaps?.Another photographer was TERRY SPARKS...and ERIC WILKINS.
We are going back to the 1960's,then the 1970's,1980's those were the great day's of glamour photography-JOHN & JOANIE ALLUM appeared in the '70's.They had a style of their own..I went on to become close friends of the Allums.
And we spent hours in the darkroom processing after a hard day photographing-and we are talking 120 film in Black & White.
I went on to spend 30-years at GOLD STAR through the early days of pocket books like TIGER,re-covers of HANK JANSEN novels,to the early days of NEW DIRECTION.
...and not a Pubic area in sight..
BUT it all changed,the rot set in-a decline in standards,the glamour pose was no more!
Where are we all today,well,we are still around perhaps retired from the business and moved on...
The Internet has changed everything-the person who said "250 pics and throw them up on the internet" is right!
Us Pro's know the fella's that operate today,ex-firemen,dustman,train drivers,who design a WebSite buy a digital camera,set up a paysite and wait for the money to arrive.
EXPERIENCE what's that,DARKROOM,,they have never heard of it.
We Professionals let you get on with it,frankly,the punter will tire in the end.
As one Editor said to me recently "Anyone entering my office with a Digital camera I'll throw out personally".
ONLY experienced people allowed in-that have style and knows the feel of FILM,that's the thing with sprockets running along the side.
If I've left any other names off the list,forgive me,I must mention one one,VIC BARNES formally of JANUS/PARADE magazines.
To recap:EXPERIENCE counts which comes with years in the photography and magazine trade.
Re: o/t classic glamour photographers
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 5:03 pm
by Jon
Hi Horace , your right about experience , but time is also important,the problem is the internet has forced prices down and something has to give so quality goes out the window .Photographers like John , Phil can produce good work but I bet when they do a shoot they have to get as much as possible in the available time to make a profit, Dave Wells said recently he gets 10 cents a picture on the web .Digital may not produce the quality of medium format , but look at the results you get on say the Sigma 9d , compared with 35mm and at an affordable price.True tradional darkroom skills are on the wain ,but digital darkroom skills are on the increase.No my comments really were about the photosets of the 80s which was a different time. The sets were quality and it took time to get to the full nude section , just a bit more interest.
Re: o/t classic glamour photographers
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 5:52 pm
by WinkWink
Hey Mayfair & Men Only of the 80's. I brought these mags cos I thought the pic's were quailty!! The girl's were great, just wished I could remember some of their names. Alot more tease in them days. But what the heck when you looked at a fanstatic model slowly removing her clothes shot by shot gave the meaning to sex appeal!
Re: o/t classic glamour photographers
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:54 pm
by Dave Wells
Joanie is still going strong with stuff in PRO and Galaxy every month. Hubby John is fine but hasn't shot for years. Donald did die a few years back. And I said I DIDN'T sell internet pics for 10 cents. It's an insult. I am still going and always looking for big titters.