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the future

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:01 am
by Lenny
Out of interest guys what do you think the future holds for the porn industry ?

I believe its reched its "climax" now and has now leveled out. The change in the UK since the early 1980's is amazing, but i cannot see what could happen in the next 20 years to make such a difference as the last 20 ?!

any views ?

Re: the future

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:15 am
by Officer Dibble
In my experience it reached it's "climax" both financially and sexually around 98-99. It has since been losing it's 'tumescence' and is possibly coming to a 'repose' quite soon. I can't see it regaining any of it's dynamism of the past, as that which went before was partly due to the cultural and social conditions that prevailed at the time. But who can tell? One thing is for certain, folks are not ?gagging for it? nowadays, as they were in the 70?s and 80?s.

Officer Dibble.

Re: the future

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:32 am
by Mr H. Essay
the future? maybe hcc will sort there delivery times out?

Re: the future

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:49 am
by Lenny
I think you're right. The changing way we all live is not as it was in the 70's-80's. and I believe, certainly from my late teenage years nephews that their goals, desires etc. are totally different to mine 20 old years ago !


Re: the future

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:59 am
by Officer Dibble
Anything can happen.


Re: the future

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:00 am
by Dr. Emmett Brown
As depictions of the sexual act have been found on prehistoric cave walls, I find it hard to believe that porn has ended it's 40,000 year journey.

Recently, after years of anxious waiting, we have been given access to proper hardcore on both R18 and the Internet. As usual, with anything so intensely anticipated and hyped, when you do finally get what you want, it can be a bit of an 'anti-climax'.

Gone are the days of blacked out bits in nudey mags and pirate vidoes so fuzzy and distorted that you couldn't see the action anyway. Also gone (well mostly), is the gullible UK punter that would part with huge sums of cash on the off chance of seeing anything even remotely titillating.

Now we have an almost infinite choice of any sexual act we care to think of and it all comes in a crystal clear, digitally encoded package with features and picture quality never dreamed of by our predecessors. Add to that webcams, lap dancing and a myriad of other real and cyber entertainments and we are positively overwhelmed by the amount of erotic imagery freely available.

And as usual, whenever an older generation is confronted by something radically new and different, they have a tendency to retreat into their nostalgic shells. Music, film, television, porn was all better in my day...and you could leave your door open.

Stop whinging and enjoy this new age of pornographic freedom.

Re: the future

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:11 am
by Lenny
Who's whinging.........merely thinking out loud dear boy !!!

Re: the future

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:13 am
by Officer Dibble
I certainly approve of the freedom. Unfortunately, the newfound freedom has brought with it a world of porn devoid of any eroticism, excitement or sexual stimulation. It has also burst porn?s economic bubble - there's not much dough in it now, so no incentive to invest or make an effort. Yes, today's digital delivery media generally guarantees decent picture quality - but the content is dire and I can't see how that situation can improve in the short term. It would need a huge influx of cash and some perceived glamour to attach itself to those involved in the industry to reverse this trend.

Officer Dib.

Re: the future

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 12:09 pm
by Crimpo
Porn was here, is here, and will be here as long as there are folks out there to watch it.

However, it will change - the internet will expand and the video/dvd market will largely be replaced by direct downloads of material. Will the 'quality' improve? Well - in the old days there were a few good movies and a lot of softcore crap. Nowadays there are a few good movies and a lot of hardcore crap!

Will we see a return to an eighties style market - no.

Of course if Mr Ashcroft et al really do put the screws to the US industry then all bets could be off!

The rising force at the moment seems to be internet outfits producing their own material and distributing it themselves. Its hard to see how gonzo videos/dvds will compete with that ultimately. Those sites dedicted to individual stars which also produce their own material are also doing well - but if they don't then they don't seem to have future.

I also confidently predict that we mere striplings will all sound like Officer Dibble in 10 years time...

Re: the future

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 12:12 pm
by alec
But you also get the likes of Blue One releasing Brigitte Lahaie and Marilyn Jess films on DVD.