Various tapes for sale (?2 each - 2 films per 3/4 hour tape. 1 Tape = ?4) Usual stuff inc. Ben Dover, Private, Seventeen, Buttman, Horny Housewives, Viewers Wives. Plus harder European stuff (GGG, Max. Perversum, Teeny Exzesse, Watersports)
Much of it too dull for my tastes.
Anyway, email for list at :
o/t Tapes for sale
Re: o/t Tapes for sale
yes ace,ihad to read brians post again at first i thought i was dreamng too dull?[?]ithink there the best on the market but then again evreyones got different tastes!
Re: o/t Tapes for sale
Broadly, I stand by my comment. Yikes.
Private especially dull. Too formulaic in my opinoin.
Ben Dover stuff I'm prepared to concede can occasionally be interesting. Depends on 'enthusiasm' on part of those concerned.
I like UK stuff when it seems more genuine ;- when performers(girls) aren't fazed/intimidated by the dull machismo of the male performers. Esp. stuff where girls set agenda. (v. rare in my experience)