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The UK's No: 1 Porn Star
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 8:32 pm
by Snake
I was watching a Programme oh ITV in the UK, it reckoned that the British No: 1 Porn Star is none other than Cathy Barry.
Any takers on who they think is the No: 1 UK Porn Star.
Personaly, my preferance is Layla Jade as the UK No: 1 Porn Star.
Who agrees ?
I may be biased, but I don't really care. I have done a shoot with Layla, allbeit only a Test Shoot, but she is HOT, & in my view, the ONLY UK No: 1 PORN STAR, EVER.
Re: The UK's No: 1 Porn Star
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 8:37 pm
by Toby
I would agree but for me its a split between Rebekah Jordon and the Lovely Layla.
Toby J
Re: The UK's No: 1 Porn Star
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 8:55 pm
by a2m
Michelle Thorne
Re: The UK's No: 1 Porn Star
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 9:07 pm
by spider
snake you are a knob
how can layla be the uk number 1 if she is always in america
sounds like a troll thread to me
Re: The UK's No: 1 Porn Star
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 9:24 pm
by Crimpo
Always in America - I think not! Deffo the most prominent girl working regularly in the UK. Also my fav - but for mainly UK based girls I suppose Cathy would have a shout (Sandie would win as my fav by a long distance tho!)
Re: The UK's No: 1 Porn Star
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 9:55 pm
by carl
we've had all this shit before. chances are phil only agreed for the stuff to be shown if they described cathy as the no 1 star. its just PR bullshit.
Re: The UK's No: 1 Porn Star
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 10:05 pm
by magoo
Here we go again with another pointless thread where everyone has a different favourite. Some girls such as Layla and Sabrina Johnson work mainly in the US and some even live there. As far as girls who live and are based in the UK I would say Cathy Barry was very well known even before she did hardcore due to her newspaper appearances. There are others who have done more films but what is this No.1 thing based on....number of vids?....looks?....performance?...etc etc. Lets not let this descend into a childish "my favourites better than yours" style arguement.
At the end of the day it was Cathy who was featured in the documentary not any of the others mentioned so make of that what you will.
BTW LDM and Ashley Bond also featured. LDM let it slip that she didnt want to do the h/c vid but her husband insisted, they have now split up so its doubtfull there will be a second vid, unless she was talking bollocks. Ashley Bond was on GMTV yesterday advising girls not to have tit surgery as she is getting rid of hers as they have been a bit of a disaster.
Re: The UK's No: 1 Porn Star
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 10:20 pm
by P R Mann
Of course it is. I recall going to one of Sullivan's adult entertainment exhibitions at Wembley where Cathy as heralded as "Britain's Number One Porn Star!" This seemed rather odd at he time as I'd worked in the industry for 8 years and until that day I'd never fuckin' heard of her! So, there's me at this decidedly naff event thinkin' "Britain's number one porn star?" Says fuckin' who?!
Obviously some kind of deal had been done between Sullivan and Pumpkin to proclaim her "Britain?s Number One Adult Star" They even had the charade of am awards ceremony at the end where awards were handed out to various parties, though it was never made quite clear who had voted for these people. But I did have the sneaking suspicion that it was just one short Essex geezer with a huge wad.
However, this charade did bring Cathy to my attention and I did subsequently book her for a job some months later. Don't know about "Britain's Number One Porn Star" but I can confirm she is a nice lady, which in these dark days of 'attitude' is something to be cherished.
P R Mann - he knows about these things.