Attn: Alec
Attn: Alec
Your forum is playing up. Several topics have replies that do not exsist. ie, Attn: Elizabeth DeBoers has 7 replies, but when I access it, there are none. C'mon lads!!
o/t Re: Attn: Alec
Its to do with several posts including your I'm drunk 4-0 post being deleted
Sometimes happens but it usually returns to normal eventually
when the maintenance crew turns up for work
Sometimes happens but it usually returns to normal eventually
when the maintenance crew turns up for work
Re: o/t Re: Attn: Alec
Buttsie is right. There was a 'dangling post' somewhere (i.e. an answer to a post that was made as the original post was being deleted) messing up the numbers, but I'm afraid it took someone with more skill than me to put it right.