Try & be nice to each other.

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Try & be nice to each other.

Post by Autumn »

Bloody Hell,

I turn my back for 5 seconds & you all start having a go at each other.Can't you guys just agree to dissagree or something because it you don't I for one won't bother to come here anymore.

There really isn't any need to put people down or slag them off.
So you all like different types of girl, thats a good thing cos we are all different. Blonde, brunette, Red Head, big boobs, small boobs, real or fake. Surely its the variety that makes us so good?

Come on guys, use some of that enthusiasm for better things than coming on here just to have a go at someone. Mayby if you don't have anything nice to say you shouldn't say anything at all.


Re: Try & be nice to each other.

Post by steve56 »

ill drink to that.

Re: Try & be nice to each other.

Post by marcusallen »

I'll drink to anything.......
How are you gorgeous? The green tea is waiting

Re: Try & be nice to each other.

Post by steve56 »

better make mine a double

Re: Try & be nice to each other.

Post by Jason »

A forum by definition is a public place to air your views and opinions - whats the point of having this forum if everyone subscribes to the one view point and no one disagrees?

My philosophy relating to this and other such boards is really quite simple - we are all adults here and if you can't stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen (not directed to anyone in particular BTW).

We all get criticised as some point in our lives and careers - its part of growing up and in most cases it makes us stronger people. Anyone entering this business particularily (actors, actresses or producers) who doesn't have very thick skin and can't take criticism should seriously reconsider their career options.

That being said there is no excuse for being rude or insulting to someone which is why I have not mentioned any names in my post below!


Re: Try & be nice to each other.

Post by Libby »

You forgot to mention "old or young" in your list, Autumn!! But I heartily agree with you!
Luv Libby

Re: Try & be nice to each other.

Post by Crimpo »

Autumn - the voice of sanity!! There will always be disagreements here - it keeps the forum alive - but there's not much need to be personal regarding other posters and NO EXCUSE for criticising the models without whom we'd all be wanking to a lithograph of Queen Victoria. I was ashamed of the people who posted a couple of remarks in a thread below...


Re: Try & be nice to each other.

Post by Lizard »

Marcus, get your arse OUT of that kitchen NOW!!!! I make the tea round here, and it,s not fucking green! have you and Mr Walker fallen out?.
How are the war plans coming on?, I got me trench foot ointement today, so were getting there.

Lizard(tea gets em home)

Re: Try & be nice to each other.

Post by marcusallen »

Its OK Liz, the tea is exclusively for Autumn when she visits.
Mr Walker and myself are still intimately involved and last night he won a tough bout on points (by a wide margin)

Judging by the activity tonight, is it a full moon or what?

Re: Try & be nice to each other.

Post by Lizard »

Good evening oh wise one, I havn,t a fucking clue whats going on,just got back from a draft dodgers meeting, but it looks like mogadon cocktails for a few of these folk, give my very best to young Autumn, when you er..see her!

Lizard. (still brewing after all these years)