Ben 'VIZ' Dover
Ben 'VIZ' Dover
Anyone know if there's any truth in the rumour that VIZ are doing a Ben Dover cartoon? I haven't managed to track a copy down, but I would have thought they would have got in touch with me if they were. Thanks everyone, I'm just off back to the lab to wait for some lightning.
Re: Ben 'VIZ' Dover
not that I'm aware of Ben, and I've bought every copy for years, although you did get a mention in Roger's profanisarus, under the term "Trisha porn", i can't seem to find that copy, anyone out there got the exact term?
Re: Ben 'VIZ' Dover
I posted this last month. You appear on page 40 of issue #121. You are credited as Ben 'Bend Over' Dover, the Sky Wank Channel Favourite. You are running with a camcorder on your shoulder to a venue advertised as 'Lingerie Models Powdered Rhino Horn Eating Competition'. The January issue is available on 23rd January, which is tomorrow. Which is why you havent seen it in the shops yet.
Re: Ben 'VIZ' Dover
They trailed it in the last issue.
The new issue, on sale tomorrow is tipped to feature "Sky wank channel favourite Ben 'Bend Over' Dover".
And there's a photo of one S. Perry together with a cartoon of a vaguely-mulleted chap with a video camera and a hard on making his way speedily to a "Lingerie Models Powdered Rhino Horn Eating Competition".
The new issue, on sale tomorrow is tipped to feature "Sky wank channel favourite Ben 'Bend Over' Dover".
And there's a photo of one S. Perry together with a cartoon of a vaguely-mulleted chap with a video camera and a hard on making his way speedily to a "Lingerie Models Powdered Rhino Horn Eating Competition".
Re: Ben 'VIZ' Dover
Having a friend at the company that puts out Viz and having already recieved this copy, I can confirm that Ben "Bend Over" Dover as it says makes his first appearance in the new edition of Viz this week. I won't spoil it but it involves a wedding shoot.
Re: Trisha Porn
Viz Issue #117 - Rogers Profanisaurus lists "Trisha Porn" as 'Cheaply produced grumblevids where thick, single mothers get 'seduced' and fucked by the likes of Ben Dover and Marcus Allen.'
So, not only does Ben get mentioned, but Marcus is honoured as well!!
So, not only does Ben get mentioned, but Marcus is honoured as well!!
Re: Trisha Porn
Well, A senior Old Bill once told me I was a fucking comic so maybe that's where Viz got it from.
Mind you, I don't think either Ben or I draw a line about women being either single or indeed mothers........
Mind you, I don't think either Ben or I draw a line about women being either single or indeed mothers........
Re: Ben 'VIZ' Dover
Just explained all this to Chairman Miaow and she simply sniffed and said that all along, she too, thought I was a fucking comedian. Cheek!
Re: Ben 'VIZ' Dover
It's good to end up on 'the bottom shelf'for a change...
next,the broadsheets with articles on these two Gentlemen and the service they provided the country in it's hour of need!
next,the broadsheets with articles on these two Gentlemen and the service they provided the country in it's hour of need!