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Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:10 pm
by tiffanny
hello!! you may know me as Tiffanny or Lady Tiffanny.

What I am about to write will no doubt cause a little friction, but it is too intriguing a situation to bypass, and as i am a VERY tolerant individual, i am NO pushover and i feel it only my natural born right to stand up for my rights as a human being and a kind and considerate individual.
I think, virtually without exception i have been a very polite and understanding and very fun person to be around and work with... i seek no flattery for any of this you understand, but when a certain individual, i forget his name, oh yes, ROB STONE, takes the time to slander my name i think it only polite to respond with a suitable answer.

I am writing with regards to his SMUT column... please... all feel free to read. I am not embarassed by the drivel he has spouted.

I have not had the priviledge of working with **********, and i thank the lord for this. The over-whelming feeling, and quite blatant underlying message conveyed in his vitriolic diatrite, are the bleatings of a very miserable and screwed-up individual.

This gentlemans pretentious delusions of porn-director notoriety, are a clear backdrop to a man who probably has never had a proper girlfriend and has a twisted and warped perception on reality... a man who passes judgement upon another in the porn industry.. the very man, who has brought filth and sexual deviancy to the viewing public, feels he has a right to condemn another. Can you see the irony in this situation?!! Well done!!

AS the saying goes..... he who is without sin, cast the first STONE.... haha..

From what i can detect, this young man, has some belief that he is of some importnace in the world.... you make pornography mate.... youre bottom of the ladder... you know that dont you?

I hold no grudge against a man, who is clearly bitter, twisted, and has little grasp on his own emotions.... i pity this man... the man that people in the industry call a total ****......

I wish this man all the luck in his future life whatever that may entail, because, as is manifest in his oh-so intellectual ramblings, he is not a happy man. I am happy, and he is not, so no matter what he says.... he will still be unhappy in the morning. I think we can see who the real loser in this situation is.

Again, i am not remotely interested in this characrter **********. I defend myself, as i am very reliable and i always am polite and respond to my mail promptly as anyone who has worked with me knows... i cannot change those ignorant few who has such inward negative emotions that they feel the need to externalise that and project that upon other people.

I hope for youre own sake mr. stone that you fine happiness within and you learn about the true nature of human beings and learn to love and respect yourself, and therefore love and respect your fellow humans. The revolution starts within, for all of us.

I hold no grudges against any of what rob has written, as it is obvious he is a man of little understanding. I wish him all the love and good wishes i can muster, and to al my fellow pornographers.

Let this be a lesson to everyone..... that we should not judge another and that we should always be patient and tolerant towards others. If you think good thoughts, good things will come to you.

Love and light,

Tiffanny x x x


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:17 pm
by tiffanny
i like a good debate... please feel free to rspond....

No one was meant to e offended in the making of this email x


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:38 pm
by CandiceParis
Hi Tiffanny

Well I cant comment on **********, however I would say to everyone I have spoken to Tiffanny a few times & have always found her understanding, helpful, polite & very reseptive.



Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:41 pm
by wayne
Im the first to admit i dont have any understanding or even the remotest idea of the industry workings or relationships etc.. but i read the smut news link as i was lured to tiffanys original post to seeing it was an entry from her (yes i admit it i do have a soft spot for her, but dont let that influence your view on my post)

I have to say i found it more than shocking (and disappointed) to read such vitrol, i suppose thats fair enough as its what he thinks for whatever reasons. But i did find it very uncomfortable that he appeared to be attacking an individual repeatledly even from what i gathered was his annoyance about everyone in general.

Im a no one on the forum important just joe public but i have to say i think Mr Stone really overstepped the mark and just hope that Tiffany recieves the support she rightfully deserves from all the posters here.


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:34 pm
by tiffanny
i love wayne


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:18 pm
by Androm
Yes, Miyah!


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:41 pm
by rgb
Tiff is a conscientious, intelligent, entertaining and sexy woman. She doesn't deserve that sort of treatment.