Ginger pubic hair
Ginger pubic hair
I'm looking for films containing actresses with real ginger pubic hair, not dyed stuff. My wife has ginger pussy hair and has challenged me to find her a porno actress with the same thing. If anybody knows of any (currently available) films with ginger pubed actresses, please drop me a line, I'd really appreciate some help. The more ginger & bushier the pussy the better!
Re: Ginger pubic hair
Tiffany Walker is indeed a redhead and has done (a little) hardcore work (see her listing) but she doesn?t do boy/girl stuff anymore and usually seems to be shaved.
However, this site turned up on Wild Cherries (hyyp:// today and has lots of pictures of redheads:
The home page has a couple of forums, so if you ask them nicely, they may be able to help.
However, this site turned up on Wild Cherries (hyyp:// today and has lots of pictures of redheads:
The home page has a couple of forums, so if you ask them nicely, they may be able to help.
Re: Ginger pubic hair
Sarah Jane Hamilton. British, done loads of work, redhead, squirting orgasms, likes the old bondage and dirty talk and does a bit of everything!
Re: Ginger pubic hair
Thanks to all of you who sent messages, I'll chase up all your suggestions.