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A reply from lolly re many posts!

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:10 am
by Lolly Badcock

A response to a few posts which are currently being discussed on here at the moment regarding my and my website:

Ok.....yeah i fucked up and should have just poped into a internet cafe and posted weeks ago.....i hold my hands up and apologise.....i have no excuses or explanations apart from i had shit going on and my head was fucked. Yeah i messed up and i am sorry...but i am just a human and i am sure most of you have fucked up at some point in your life so please give me a break.

Pornstars are normal human beings too...with normal lives....normal emotions....and normal shit to deal with. my hubby was heavily involved in the site i have had to wait to see my solicitor as currently going through a messey divorce and the site is involved. Needed to fine out about the legal side as he shot most of the content and appears on couldnt legally update until i had found out the relevant legal info. I will post on here when the next update will be.

I am not playing the victim....but just being honest as to the reason why.....just cant win can i!! I am sure that this post will be pulled apart too.

Webcam....on this section it says "coming soon" etc so it is clear before you join webcam aint avaliable....but aga

Re: A reply from lolly re many posts!

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:13 am
by Lolly Badcock
oppssss....ignore this post...pressedd the button by accident!