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Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:14 pm
by Limey Dick
The Adventures of TWO BLACK BABES Continued!

Whew!!!!!!! What a weekend....Two amazing days with Louiza Ray and Lala on tour in Birmingham to promote their forthcoming 'Two Black Babes'
series and as studio guests on the Kerrang Radio Sunday show....

That was only half of it. Anybody shopping in the New Street area around 2.30 on Sunday afternoon might have witnessed the girls clad in nothing but heels and fishnet mini-dresses and giving an impromptu eroctic dancing display in broad daylight - for 10 minutes - in front of a very impressive Steel Band trio! To say they drew a crowd is an understatement! They were joined briefly by two white local models wearing stockings and sussies and the crowd went mad!

The mobile phone generation were snapping pics like mad and in the end there were around 2-300 people jamming up the precinct....It all ended when an irate black woman stormed through the cheering crowd and shouted 'You fucking slag!!' at Louiza who retorted 'Yeah, If I had a cock I would be dangerous!' Cue Bedlam and two Porn Stars rushed off in a taxi to leave Mrs Moral Minority fuming on the pavement...

I think this is what Sunshine Anderson meant when she sang about 'Taking it to the street!'....

At Kerrang there was the radio spot and also an 'unofficial' live cabaret act following the show. This featured g/g live action from the 'Babes', a Cissy Boy Tranny in full petticoats and a stuntman who set himself on fire in the carpark...trouble was, the flames burnt right through his protective clothing and almost engulfed him! I kid you not, we nearly had a fatality on our hands!

We also managed to get a red hot full scene for the series shot amongst all this mayhem. (Which I will not discuss further, now, in light of certain potentially 'SCANDAL-ISTIC' elements!!!!, porn watchers keep your noses peeled on this one!)....

All in all, a truly magnificent weekend, thanks to Louiza, Lala, Peter and the others involved, it was a gas as they say across the pond.........

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:09 pm
by Gemma Parker
Make no wonder she was pissed off,
2.30pm on a saturday with kids and shoppers around?
9.00pm at night with a load of piss heads fair enough...
I wonder why this industry gets it's bad name at times !whistle!

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:10 pm
by Gemma Parker
Sorry I did mean to type 'Sunday'

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:30 am
by strictlybroadband
That's the kind of attitude that keeps sex in the dark ages in Britain. Since when did the sight of a nude body damage a child psychologically?

We're still a repressed nation when it comes to sex - hence having the highest rate of both teen pregnancies and STDs in Europe. If it happened in Amsterdam or Berlin, nobody would bat an eyelid.

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:38 am
by Jonone
I'm not at all interested in the 'rights' or 'wrongs' of this, it's just a post to make the observation that whilst you bemoan the attitude of 'prudishness' you also depend on it for the sense of spectacle. If no-one batted an eyelid you wouldn't have done it.

I'm not knocking you, merely pointing to the ambiguity and ambivalence ... but that's okay. It's part of life.

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:51 am
by strictlybroadband
Much as I'd like to claim the credit, this was a spontaneous show by Lala and Louiza Ray.

I agree with you wholeheartedly - you can only shock people in a shockable society. I think it's right to shock - when society stops being shockable, there's no point doing it anymore (note the chocolate sculpture of Jesus that was banned from display in New York last week).

In Britain today, it's only slightly shocking to see near-naked women dancing in a busy shopping centre. In America, they may have been arrested. In Iran they may have been attacked. In Holland they'd have been largely ignored. I'd rather become more like Holland than America or Iran.

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:03 am
by Jonone
Yes, my imagination was captured by punk rock and the influence of Situationism and the idea of 'interventions' and the disruption of 'reality'.

Was it really 'spontaneous' though .. it's no less of a spectacle if it was planned, but 'spontaneous' makes for a better story. Didn't the 'two white models in stockings and suspenders' who are referred to in the first post need to be coordinated ? As I say, it doesn't matter because it's still a spectacle.

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:23 am
by strictlybroadband
As I understand, the white girls were there as part of a charity collection exercise... Lala and Louiza were there to appear on Kerrang in the evening, and happened to be passing while out taking photos in the city centre.

Punk's a good example. I'm also old enough to remember... in 1977 it outraged the nation, and Sex Pistols concerts were picketed by "concerned citizens". Today, punk is a way for middle class kids to look "different", and shocks nobody. Swearing's been done, gobbing's been done, multicoloured mohicans have been done. We can look back and laugh at the people who thought it was the end of the world as we knew it.

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:28 pm
by Gemma Parker
Oh look it's Mr PR man for Fifi the Shower!
I wondered how long it would take for you to get your civil rights for dummies book out! lol

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:31 pm
by Gemma Parker
I do porn, as you well know.
And personally I would not want to see 2 porn stars dressed in fishnet dresses dancing erotically in the town centre high street at 2.30 in the afternoon! And if I had kids, I certainly would not want them to see it.
Not everyone shares your ideas on the Strictly Broadband Idealistic world.