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saving Movie files

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:35 am
by pvcfelicia
Hey guys I have a question ?

we are saving a whole load of new movie clips for my site. Trouble is when we save to get the quality the files are so huge.

Mpeg and WMV seem to be massive, so a 4 min clip as around 4 med.

Pointers please



Re: saving Movie files

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:24 am
by gregruk
HI ya Felicia
Sorry but you've hit the nail on the head ... good quality video will always demand lots of hard disk space , I used to work for a company building video servers for a big broadcast company and the units where rack mounted with at least 16 [yes 16] hard drives .

What you need to do is have an external hard drive unit with serveral high capacity SATA drives , I'm running 2 x 300Gb drives [internally] but even thoughs are being used up fast . Try to stick with firewire as USB can be a bit slow , or best would be SCSI drives but they must be fast ones and big.

The other way is to archive off the work you have done onto DVD , that way you should be able to get 4-5Gb's onto each disk . You should be doing this as a backup anyway , never relie on your hard disk , if it goes tits up [tech term for a fault] you've lost all your hard work , so please please back up your work onto DVD;s or similar .

I have contacts in the computer industry and have only just "retired" from that world in favour of my still / video photography , so should you need any more advise please feel free to contact me direct.

All best , hope its going well for you
Greg R

Re: saving Movie files

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:03 am
by MarkFreeman
Save as avi instead, small file sizes expecially if u use divx as the codex.

Re: saving Movie files

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:34 pm
by pvcfelicia
thanks for all the help, I have a good hard drive but its was to get the files onto my website and have good quality, i think im onto it''

Thanks again felicia XXXX

Re: saving Movie files

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:02 pm
by magicdaps
Hi, what i do is encode with the Quick time H264 codec, you get fantastic quality but without the file size. If you need a hand doing this send me an e.mail able to do most formats including full res HD