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who are you to judge?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 5:35 pm
First of all i shall introduce myself, i am a dancer from london that does a bit of modelling on the side.
Nothing unpublished. I mainly have guys that see me at work that would like to try a bit of photography...and this i charge MY rates...not 'INDUSTRY' rates.
Thats clear now hopefully, so therefore, when there is a post in promotions forum....for free pictures etc, maybe i am naive? but i feel it benefits me.
So the problem??? a guy who did not have the balls to email via this particular thread, emailed me personally saying how thick i am...erm who the hell is he to judge? so because i post to this advert...i have been shot to flames because another photographer doesnt like it?? Im extreamly wound up right now as this person has no right at all, ive never heard of him nor met him.
And just for the record when i do shoots for professional togs we work something states clearly on my site prices are negotiable as being a dancer it comes with the job that guys will say they want to photograph you with other things in mind...hint this is a deterent that works well for me.
sorry to rant but hey ho...oh and my spellings gone into overdrive

much love Annmarie xx

Re: who are you to judge?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 6:46 pm
by rhino
Wow! Like the website!

Re: who are you to judge?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 7:43 pm
by marcusallen
If you put yourself in the public eye, I'm afraid that you attract the nuts as well as the normals.
Just ignore it.

Re: who are you to judge?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:13 pm
by NeilUK
And we wonder why so many models quit before their career gets going. And why so many of our models move to the US to work. Lets hope this was some random loser and not someone who is actually in the industry.

I too like the website and I am sure you will come across some very friendly and helpful people on here. I sure have.

As Marcus says, ignore him , he's not worth the effort


Re: who are you to judge?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:15 am
by Ace
Marcus knows the ropes, take heed of his wise comments.

Good to see the old fella back again, I always enjoy reading his posts

Re: who are you to judge?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:17 am
by Snake Diamond
From reading your post, you've been flamed by a complete 'Wanker', as both Marcus & Neil have said, just ignore the Dumb Schmuck.

People like Photo, Marcus, Neil, Ace, etc... are all reliable, long-term Regs of this site, so you can trust what they say. However, I would NOT be surprised if the person who flamed you, was a 'Newbie' to this site.

Re: who are you to judge?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:55 pm
Thank you all for your kind comments

Now....this Pr**k has had the cheek to email me agin!! Of corse with a name that doesnt exist, you see you can write ANY name in my CONTACT ME page that comes through to my email

now....heres the disgusting SECOND email and YES he reads this board whoever he is:

Your email address

BGAFD forum post

Erm, a little economical with the facts there in your forum rant eh. Shouldn't expect anything more from a shite for brains ugly bird who thinks she can charge genuine photographers well over industry rates so as they can subsidize the GWC's that you will work with for free. You are not only a cheeky mare but pig stupid too. See you got the arse suckers out replying to you, the usual dead beats who try to impress the ladies (oops, lady lol, you are no fooking lady, just a dumb ugly joke).

Re: who are you to judge?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:03 pm
So guys, im a thick...and erm all the rest of this bs via email
i AM not a professional model...maybe even semi-pro is pushing it lol and i have my rates page up for a reason that works for me...
This is all still to do with the fact i will do a photoshoot with a member of the group that advertised his services for FREE and i keep 99% copyright..
is this wrong? Free pics for my portfolio with 99% sole use to do what i want with?
Anyway im sure you have had enough info lol but the guy IS from this group and im not asking but telling you to STOP emailing me with your bizarre issues that you have with MODELS/DANCERS.

Re: who are you to judge?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:01 pm
by Sam Slater

As has already being said, ignore the guy. I seriously don't see his problem or why he'd even want to bother insulting you, if he's not fussed about shooting you himself. He seems weird's a female?

Charge whatever rates you want. If they're too high you won't get shot and you either lower them or accept that not many will book you. If you're earning enough from your rates then keep them as they are.


You mention that you want photographers to shoot you for free 'and' you want the copyright? Seems a bit far fetched that a photographer would pay their travel, studio time and use their own equipment only to give you full copyright of their hard work & expertise. Most photographers who do pics for time just want the practice, or images to build their own portfolio where they'll give you persmission to use on your portfolio too. That seems fair.

I certainly wouldn't pay thousands in equipment, spend years perfecting the art and then give the photographs and copyright to someone else just to save paying a model. Why am I telling you this? Well any photographer that's willing to shoot you for free and then give you all copyright to his/her work isn't shooting you for professional reasons in my view. Maybe they're just shooting you for their own personal sexual kicks?

All I'm saying is beware of the photographer that will give up so much just to do a shoot, when he can do tfp with others and keep his work for himself so easily. He may be being overly generous for a reason.

Take care.