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Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:40 am
by strictlybroadband
This letter to be sent to Erotica, AITA, ETO, BGAFD and other UK adult industry bodies.

I'm writing with regard to the events of Sunday afternoon at the Erotica show.

As you may be aware my company, Strictly Broadband, had a stand at the show, as we also did last year. We used the stand to promote our online adult movie service, which we did by distributing scratch cards. As we did last year, we hired well-known adult models to appear throughout the show, for two-hour slots, to attract visitors to our stand. We promoted the stand (and the Erotica show) to our mailing list of over 100,000 UK adults in the weeks before the show. We arranged a line-up of over 20 models, of whom 18 turned up and worked for us, each for a 2-hour period. As each girl arrived at the stand, we gave her an outfit to wear featuring our logo.

On Sunday evening, one of the models (who had worked with us from 3pm to 5pm) apparently then walked the show carrying a few flyers for another business. I've no idea whether this was her business, or if she was paid to promote someone else, nor do I consider it any of my business. She was, however breaking Erotica rules and was unfortunate enough to bump into Savvas himself; he stopped her and asked for a flyer. When she handed him one, he ordered her evicted from the show in her vest, pants and stockings. She managed to persuade him to let her get dressed and collect her things before leaving the show. She was of course very upset at being manhandled, but accepted she'd broken the show rules. The fact that Savvas seemed to enjoy physically throwing out a girl wearing underwear into the November night, surrounded by drunk, male Erotica attendees is none of my business - it's between Savvas and the model concerned. The way she was treated however was heavy-handed and unnecessary, and caused her and witnesses some upset.

Having seen that the model was wearing our logo, Savvas understandably assumed she was distributing flyers on Strictly Broadband's behalf, although she explained to him otherwise. He then came to our stand and I also explained that the flyers were not ours, I was not paying her to distribute them, and I'd only paid her to work on my stand for two hours earlier in the day. Savvas continued to insist that I take responsibility for her behaviour, and I refused to do so. As I mentioned above, I employed 18 models during the show, all of whom were wearing our logo. Many dozens of other people have received our branded wear at other times too. I take no responsibility for their behaviour, unless they are working for me at the time. I'd assume that Savvas would take no responsibility for the behaviour of the thousands of people who left Olympia this weekend carrying his Erotica logo on bags. It would be ludicrous to expect him too.

Yet Savvas stood by his demand that I take responsibility for the behaviour of these people. I refused to take responsibility, and he responded by barring me from exhibiting at Erotica again. I responded just by saying "Fine." All of this is Savvas' choice: Erotica is his show, and he can choose who exhibits there. And if he wants to throw his weight around at Erotica, he can - he's the boss.

My main complaint is about what followed. Savvas then sent three suited monkeys to attend our booth, harass myself, my staff and models, and our customers. They were clearly under orders to intimidate and upset people, which is what they did. They upset and harassed my stand staff, and made sure that no more customers visited our stand for the remainder of the show. They forced their way onto our stand, sat on our chairs and refused to leave - I'd assume this is in breach of contract as we were effectively prevented from using the stand as intended. The three thugs picked up our flyers and threw them on the floor. They drew childish pictures on our table-cloth (although I admit I was pleasantly surprised to find they had opposable thumbs and were able to handle a ballpoint). They made snide remarks towards myself, my staff and visitors, including young female models and a man in a wheelchair.

I was so concerned at one stage that I asked a security guy I knew from a nearby booth to keep an eye on our stand, as doubtless they were trying to provoke a situation whereby they could get more physical.

Now in my opinion, this isn't how grown-ups do business. It's the way school bullies behave. I've never seen such behaviour at any business-related event. Savvas apparently got some kind of personal kick out of harassing me, presumably as revenge for refusing to take the blame for someone else's mistake, but I'm still certain that neither I nor my staff did nothing to deserve this treatment. I'm not upset that we won't be exhibiting again. Erotica has gained a reputation as a business that is no friend to the adult industry, and we'll have no problem in finding other ways to spend our marketing budget.

I will be explaining to our partners and customers why were banned, and why we feel that Erotica no longer serves the needs of people wishing to lead an adult lifestyle. I've already heard from other exhibitors at this year's show who also have issues with the way they were treated, and I hope they make their voices heard.

So from Strictly Broadband at least, Goodbye Erotica.

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:41 am
by Naz
In agreeement with Jerry from strictlybroadband. It was my partner Starr who was the model that was man handled by a gorilla, who since reading Jerry's mesage turns out to be Savvas himself. I have never met the bloke, but by all accounts it is not worth the trouble anyway!!

My girlfriend Starr now knows that by distributing leaflets around Erotica without permission is not allowed, by the way it was not for my comapny, but it seems that this Savvas bloke got his jollies by treating her in a rough and very unbecoming manner. Instead of a quiet worrd in her shell like, and a tap on the wrist, he physically manhandled her and if she had not had the bottle to protest she would have been thrown out of the building dressed only in pants and stockings. I agree with Jerry, he was heavy handed, and showed no integrity as to what could have happened to Starr with groups of drunken hormonial males outside. This is no way to run a grown up business ---school playground tactics!!! It's up to Savvas how he conducts himself with people he employs and if they take it - fair enough, but towards a third party in a public place, a bit severe and an apology to Starr woulkd be good, but from what I can gatehr we may as well wait till hell freezes over.

I feel for Jerry and strictlybroadband being plaqued by him and his cronies when ultimately the incident had nothing to do with him, and listening to other comments and sentiments expressed from people in the Adult Industry Erotica has become a waste of time.

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:44 am
by MK Printing
What really bugs me about business is those who don't look after their top customers. You took 18 models, without you they may not have been there at all.

If I was running the show I would have informed the model/stand that rules had been broken and to please stop. If it continued then I would have to ask you to leave etc etc. But I would not ask them to leave straight away, especially in just promational wear.

I can not really comment as I was not at the event nor do i know the people involved, but from a business stand point I find this unacceptable. You are never bigger than your customers as without them you are nothing!

Hope you get it resolved.

Matt, MK Printing

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:25 pm
by satch9
Eloquently put.

I would talk to your solicitor regarding the breach of contract of not being allowed to exhibit properly and the effect on lost earning as a result - although these things are often very difficult to quantify and thus prove.

The meer fact that it happened is bad enough, having no recourse or claim makes it even worse.

It might be better off doing nothing, but many people will read your initial post and it has been written in such a way so as to explain "factually" the incident and leave melodrama behind.

I wouldn't worry about a counterclaim - the principle of liable and or defamation is that what you accuse / say has to be untrue.

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:38 pm
by Emma
erotica seems to have gone downhill over the years. The way savvas and his men behaved is like what you you get from a load of hoodies or louts ect, I had heard what happened to a model who was also working on your stand and to the guy in the wheel chair and was disgusted at the way they everyone was treated!

if i was a trader i would not want to get a stand there ever i dont like the way they do buisness when a problem arrises, he should have gone into a private room and had a word rather than cause a scene.

any way thanks for the bag i"ll use it and help to promote stirctlybroadband that way

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:40 pm
by Emma
erotica seems to have gone downhill over the years. The way savvas and his men behaved is like what you you get from a load of hoodies or louts ect, I had heard what happened to a model who was also working on your stand and to the guy in the wheel chair and was disgusted at the way they everyone was treated!
if i was a trader i would not want to get a stand there ever i dont like the way they do buisness when a problem arrises, he should have gone into a private room and had a word rather than cause a scene.
any way thanks for the bag i"ll use it and help to promote stirctlybroadband

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:41 pm
by Emma
erotica seems to have gone downhill over the years. The way savvas and his men behaved is like what you you get from a load of hoodies or louts ect, I had heard what happened to a model who was also working on your stand and to the guy in the wheel chair and was disgusted at the way they everyone was treated!
if i was a trader i would not want to get a stand there ever i dont like the way they do buisness when a problem arrises, he should have gone into a private room and had a word rather than cause a scene.
any way thanks for the bag i"ll use it and help to promote stirctlybroadband

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:52 pm
by videokim
Hi Jerry

Sorry to hear about your troubles at Erotica, we were there on Sunday with friends. When we heard there was no more Trade area we knew Erotica is on its way out for us in the industry, yes it will still get thousands of people wanting to go to the event but losing its main exhibitors will cause an even worse decline. We thought it was half empty & not as good as it was a few years back, we chatted with friends who had stalls upstairs & they said for the volume of people that walked through up there is wasn't worth the money they paid. We did tell them before they booked stalls it would have been easier & a lot cheaper to hand out flyers near the building (outside) & at the railway station. When show is run by would be gansters you don't expect them to show manners as they have none which exampled itself by the way they treated Starr.
There must be other promoters out there who are itching to get a similar thing of the ground & if not a venue or pub near Erotica we could hire & stage our own in a smaller scale. We ourselves won't be going to Erotica anymore as its dead in water now.

Kim & John

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:51 pm
by Sam Slater
It sounds like you had a rough ride SB. The guy in question has always been very polite when I've met him, and even given me free tickets for friends, but it seems he lost the plot with his attitude to you and your stand.

[Edited by moderator]


Sam Slater

Re: Bad experience at Erotica: an open letter

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:17 pm
by Makaris
So StrictlyBroadband says that she's about to be "evicted from the show in her vest, pants and stockings" and then Naz says she's to be thrown out "dressed only in pants and stockings"

So what happened to her vest? And if you can't agree on a simple thing like this, what exactly should we believe?
