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Erotica cheers and boos

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:46 am
by strictlybroadband
I've just woken up after 3 long (but fun) days at Erotica, not to mention the Adult Film Awards and assorted parties.

A massive thank you to all the girls who came and kept us company over the course of the show, handed out our flyers and kept AJ in line.

A quick line-up of heroes follows. And where there are heroes, there must be a villain right? See below...

Kaz - our cute little show opener
Sandie - an unforgettable experience, as always
Louiza Ray - our little bundle of boundless energy
Lala - those big, dark eyes... mmmmmm
Marie Louise - busty, and sooo nice
Leah Jane - a first time for me, she's lovely
Elizabeth Michelle Lawrence - antipodean temptress
Lafy Jo - another first time for me (hope it was as good for you...)
Rio Mariah - we're not worthy! !bow!
Avalon - Latin sexpot, I hadn't met before, but we'll meet again soon, right?
Kat Varga - our Euro babe
Renee Richards - phwoar! We like!
Daisy Rock and Isobel Ice - hard to separate (literally), what a filthy pair
Harmony Hex - sweet petite... AJ's latest crush
Victoria Powell - dragged me around the show all afternoon - lovely babe
Angel Long - couldn't make it but we still love you (but you've lost AJ to Harmony)
Starr - bad girl! (you'll be hearing from my osteopath)
Alyssa Summers - another Strictly virgin and blonde bombshell
Jess Sucker - last but not least, but the silly girl's emigrating tomorrow! !sad!

We also saw... Emma Louise (the award winning...), Yasmin (how dare you work on a different stand?), Cenobitez, AJ's (other) favourite Keni Styles (also award-winning), Trash, Kiwi, Sean (from oop north). I know I've forgotten loads, but I wasn't always 100% with it...

Last but not least, the Strictly Broadband unsung heroes who helped organise and worked on the stand.

So with all the heroes, who's the villain? It's nobody other than Mr Erotica Himself, Savvas Christodoulou! I'm not going to say more at the moment, but needless to say, I won't let it lie...

Re: Erotica cheers and boos

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:09 am
by MK Printing
So you had a good time I take it. I was asked to come down by quite a few people but I already had plans. I hope to make it next year and also if there is a Christmas party for this forum I should be able to make it down.

If you saw the things that lots of models were handing out and signing, there is a good chance that we printed it! If you want to promote yourself better then we really are here to help, from business cards to posters!

I won't list all the people we have worked with here, but it is a lot. We also have testimonials from loads of people in the industry about us and our products.

So, is there a Christmas party?


Re: Erotica cheers and boos

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:54 am
by harmonyhex
It was great working on your stand at Erotica!!

Got to say I loved being ravished by Starr and Yazmin (again hee hee) and molesting the woman on the bondage bean bags!! Do I still have the award for most cards given out?? I hope so!! I was like a little bundle of cute sexy energy!!

AJ -- that tongue!! I cant even say anything else!!! You are great babe!! *kisses for ya*

I'm the new crush - I feel so honoured!! How about next time you have me and Angel at the same time? Wow giving me goose bumplies just thinking about it!

Send me some pics ok?

Re: Erotica cheers and boos

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:00 pm
by Jacques
Savvas Christodoulou? The backer to Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell who would like to see rapists castrated and Boots to stop selling sex toys?

*Takes a seat, grabs some popcorn and watches this one develop*

Re: Erotica cheers and boos

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:03 pm
by spanno
sounds like you had a good time!

Re: Erotica cheers and boos

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:53 pm
by nickelass
are you gonna post the pics?

Re: Erotica cheers and boos

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:01 pm
by aj-strictlybroadband
[IMG] ... s_legs.jpg[/IMG]

Angel - you haven't *lost* me to Harmony, but I am... um... a little smitten.

She quite literally left me speechless. I think you should have a go on her, but only when I'm there with my camera :D

Re: Erotica cheers and boos

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:58 pm
by Rio Mariah
You know im.

Re: Erotica cheers and boos

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:29 pm
by ReneeRichards

Strictly broadband, thanks for a great time at the weekend. Loved being on the stand, even if I was slightly hung over... But the fun was had at the awards!! Great being on your table. And AJ you sexy thang!! You need to email me some pics from the awards. What a laugh.
Remember I'm your bitch for TG babes, so let me know.

Big kisses,

RR xxx

p.s. thanks Jerry for the drinks!! hehe.

Re: Erotica cheers and boos

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:23 am
by Alyssa
I also had a WICKED time @ Erotica, thanks to SB letting me work on their stand! Was great meeting you all - AJ, Cindy, Jerry - Your all spot on, thanks for the opportunity!

I had no idea that so many people knew who I was until I was there!

Was also nice meeting the other girls I hadn't et before!
And Vicky.... dragging me round! She's funny..... :) See you next week babes xxxxx

Don't forget to post/send some pics ;) I'll get my stuff to you today too!
Speak soon xxxxx