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Blue Diamond Model Agency - NEWS!!

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:12 am
by Elle Brook

Just an update on my modeling agency, since my last email I have a few new guys and have now started to include girls!

All my guys and girls have up to date health certificates which they update on a monthly basis and all are willing to travel both inside and outside of the UK.

My agency provides guys and now girls to top producers inside and outside of the UK; I have had good feedback from producers who have already used my agency hence building a good reputation for the agency and for my models.


????? I hear you thinking?????

Let me explain?? If you book all the guys you need for your shoot through me at my usual commission rate of 20% I will supply all the girls you want commission free!!

I?m aware that you may not go through agencies for all the girls that you use as being a model my self numbers get passed on.. But you would have the telephone calls to make and the stress of fitting everyone in.. So why sit for hours in the office filling your schedules let me do it for you!!!

For those of you who decide not to use me for guys for your entire shoot I will supply girls at 15% commission instead of the usual 20% that other agencies charge.

As mentioned above I have the best guys on my books and now the best girls so why look anywhere else??? Send me an email to and I will forward you the pictures.


I can also supply make up artist?s commission free and coming soon will be locations and the pick of the best European talent!!!!

We are also the only agency that offers a full refund on commission if a guy of ours fails to deliver, you have absolutely nothing to loose but a full head of hair to keep!!!

I look forward to doing business with you,

Elle Brook
Blue Diamond Model Agency

Re: Blue Diamond Model Agency - NEWS!!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:34 pm
by Tammy
Hi I am Tammy age 29. Have been modelling for a few year now. if you would like me and would like to get more information on what I do then drop me a line or 2 @

I will be happy to send you some pictures.
Waiting to hear from you.


Re: Blue Diamond Model Agency - NEWS!!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:34 pm
by Don Roobles
Hi Elle,

If you have any AGA style models available please forward them to


Don Roobles

Re: Blue Diamond Model Agency - NEWS!!

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:45 am
by graham46
Hi Elle
I am a newly proven 49 year old male performer tall slim with blue eyes and pretty fit for my age. I have just done a test shoot on the 27th october near london for Jay K of Jay K productions And Gary of nectus movies of whom you can obtain references.
I can also send you some action stills of my performance if you wish.
I look forward to the possibility of working for you.