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Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:23 am
by Dan Dugan
I saw a documetary about amateur adult work. I would be really interested in working with the lady Ellie who featured in the programme. She worked with mainly amateur men looking to get into the industy. Anyone know details to get in touch or who she works for?



Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:38 am
by Funbag
who saw nat crying at the end. that man she was working with was a right c**t treatin a women like that he shud be ashamed of himself

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:43 am
by BGAFD Admin

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:35 pm
by jimslip
I bet the "Telly Toff" producers loved this bit, wont people ever learn to steer clear of these telly bastards!

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:21 pm
by jimslip
I only saw a few minutes of this pile of crap, but if Nat ended up crying, you can be sure in some way it was provoked by the director of the show. Showing this kind of thing is the lifeblood of this shit.

No matter what these bastards say about, "We are making a non-judgemental docu about porn etc etc blah blah...." Tell 'em to F... Off!

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:26 pm
by jimslip
You hit the nail on the head. people need to learn that they gain nothing from participating in these shows, apart from humiliation for both themselves and by default the rest of us.

But there are people who will crawl over their dying granny to get on telly, it's a sad world.

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:42 am
by Bob Singleton
brerbear wrote:

> Well Jim, we all do, but clearly the likes of Miss Heck, James
> at CandiceParis and the like care sod all about the industry as
> a whole and are most interested in self promotion at the cost
> of everyone else.

This man should be blacklisted by the whole industry for many other reasons, not least repeatedly selling content that was originally shot for private use only, and then using the "I own the copyright, so I can do what I like" argument that is repeated time and time again by other sleazy tossers on this forum.

No wonder the UK porn industry is seen as a joke the rest of the world over.

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:53 pm
by CandiceParis
Well Bob

I think you should think before you end up in court, I am more than happy to spend a million on legal fees to fight your liabalous comments. I have and will never sell un model released content. You are correct in saying just because someone owns the copyright they do not have the right to sell it, to two do not go hand in hand.

I have alot of "private" content, with NO model release this would not be sold. Nor would I use other peoples copyrighted material. Unlike yourself you infact used my copyrighted & model released photos on yor website. You are lucky I didn't sue you, unlike the one of the people that I sucessfully sued this year.

Un authorised use of copyrighted material costs the producers not just in the adult industry millions. So it is people like you that steel material that should be black listed.

I suggest that you retract your statement that I have sold/used any material that was privatley made. If you do not I will take legal action. I understand that you already are/were under investgation under alligations of soliciting child porn. Perhaps you would like to comment on that.

And I think you acting as a spokes person for the porn inductry is interesting, when you run adult parties & solicit prostitution at these parties, which I also understand you have had a run in with the law over. Although my understanding may be incorrect. Runining and organising "prostitution" may fall within the adult industry but falls way short of the porn industry!

I have and always stood up to any alligations and responded, unlike you when I contacted you about my photo's being on you website without my permission was told by you to "fuck off", I know this because I record ALL my telephone conversations. I find this very helpful.

Perhaps if you took the time to speak to us about your concerns insteed of being verbally abusive you would be able to make a educated dission on a number of issues.

Finally for the avoidance of doubt I / we do not agree we the agrument I own copyright so I do what I want with it. I own many many hours of R18 material of my ex wife Gemma that was personal, this has not and will never be published in any formate, however any material that has signed model release will be concidered for release.

Bob one thing is for sure not all is correct what you read & see in the press, I am supprissed that I need to point this out to a man like you.

Perhaps oneday you will find out what I am all about.

I await your response.

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:58 pm
by CandiceParis

I shant comment on your points in depth, however, all is not what it seems.

The model was Antonia if you go to my website you can find a link to a website that sells James Edwards Real Girl Friends you will she Antonia on that DVD.

She is also on Livexxx TV.