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What lighting to use?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:31 am
by Smokingfetishwebsite
Hello everyone, I am running a bit behind at the moment due to funding problems so I have not done any shoots yet with models, I am about to finally purchase the lighting, can anyone suggest what lighting to use etc. Its for camcorder use not pictures so no flash lighting etc.

Most shoots will be done in a room around 15 foot long by 12 wide, not sure if that is helpfull. I am also using a hdv jvc mg70 30gn camcorder.

I am new to this and I want to make sure the lighting is great as I have seen many films with bad lighting. There is also a large window for natural light but would prefer to not use.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards James

Re: What lighting to use?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:44 am
by Jacques
Really depends on what you want to spend - a Red Head kit should be ok, though I have always favoured a Blonde or Northlight to flood and a couple of Red Heads to take care of shadows, but if you have natural light use 'gels' and don't forget to white balance.

A Red Head kit is around ?850 - ?900 to purchase so you may want to hire instead ?25 - ?30 a day.

Re: What lighting to use?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:52 pm
by videokim
It depends on what style your shooting, Jacques info above will be great for perfect lighting giving a glossy look to the film etc.
We use a 30 watt light on the actual video camera as we shoot couples,groups etc who are not used to Pro lights & settings, this is mainly because its hard to find normal (non-pro) couples who will be up for it hence not to scare them & second it keeps a naughty amateur atmosphere that our customers like.
Try different lights & experiment, start off with cheap lights & work towards the more expensive as & if you need them.

Kim xxx

Re: What lighting to use?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:09 pm
by Maverick
Also Ebay is a good source for starting out to look for lighting kits. I bought a couple camcorder type ones off there to start off with and, as videokim says, work your way up once you have more funds.

Re: What lighting to use?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:26 pm
by Jacques
That's a very valid point Kim, in some situations the 'C-Light' is more appropriate and easier to use.

Re: What lighting to use?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:56 pm
by steveb
samsung wrote:

> People still use Hologen lighting in the UK? Wow. That would
> explain a lot.


There's nothing wrong with halogen except that it's not very efficient and generates a lot of heat.

A good white balance will get nice, healthy skin tones (if the model HAS nice healthy skin tone?).

For most modern camcorders 650-800watt Redheads are bit excessive, but they're nice and easy to transport and set up.

For a nice sexy porn scene a good soft light is better than a harsh directional light so, whatever lamp you use, try to bounce it off a white surface. A white wall if you have one, or a proper reflector (like a Lastolite) or even a sheet that is pinned or hung up out of camera-shot.

This is a good website on basic lighting theory;

Of course if you can afford a nice set of HMIs or fluorescent lights then more power to you!

Re: What lighting to use?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:09 pm
by Jacques
samsung wrote:

> Fluorescents avoid that just fucked in a sauna look. Do they
> still make red heads even?

True they get hot and yes they still make them but they don't need a ballast to prevent flickering.

There's pros and cons to all lighting its how you use it that matters.