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Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:57 pm
by aysha

I'm currently working on a documentary for channel 4 about amateur pornography. We're looking for people who are involved in amateur porn or who have made their own movies's. We are also interested in talking to amateur porn directors and people who are considering some sort of involvement. We will be making a non-judgemental programme and are genuinely interested in hearing people's stories. We are not making a sensationalist programme.

If anyone would like to help us you can ring us on 020 7267 4260 for a confidential chat or e-mail

We would love to hear from you.

Best wishes


Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:29 pm
by Peter
Are you paying?

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:50 pm
by Jacques
I bet the answer is 'expenses'..........

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:08 pm
by kaytelove
I had this via email from Nick Holt of the same company 2 days ago and asked for further information but im yet to get any response - im wary of channel 4 after i saw what they did with diary of a porn virgin.
Seems a lot of photographers on model sites have had this email too.
Some information would be nice - payment details as suggested earlier just for starters as the email i received just said the companies name and asked me to call them - the photographers received much more information than the models did and this post says even more than even they got - Why couldnt the emails contain all this info from the start?

Kayte Love

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:32 pm
by planeterotica
I had tha same email, probably a load of students trying to cut their teeth with a documentry, as Channel 4 never make their own programmes they are most likely trying to make a doc about porn on the cheap and hoping to sell it to them knowing that any programme about porn will push up the ratings.

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:54 pm
by Joe A
Out of interest how different to your programme will this new one be ?

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:22 pm
by Joe A

What was the prob with Ch 4 and "Diary" ? It was produced by Betty TV, and is down for a repeat showing in early December by the way. Having appeared in it, I have to say that the director, Simon Egan, ended up with an edit that was true of the parts I was in. He kept us informed during the 3 months of filming about everything and he kept to his word.

You have to look at the people in it and how they portrayed themselves, and don't blame the programme maker if you didn't like it. The documentary showed it as it is, and wasn't specially edited to make porn look bad as with previous documentaries I've seen.

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:32 pm
by kaytelove
The reason i didnt like it Joe is that Frankie was filmed for it believing it was a documentary showing all angles of the industry and then found out the title of the show just weeks before it aired.
She felt this was unfair and so do i - if doing this sort of programme (which im not knocking - i watched it myself with interest) i would expect to be told everything before filming not afterwards. Please dont jump to conclusions when i say i didnt like the show - it wasnt anything to do with the production but the way in which the performers (well frankie at least) were kept in the dark. Frankie herself posted here explaining this just after the show aired in case you didnt see her post.I would also be wary that the emails models got regarding this actual production had no information regarding what the contact was for. Just a name and a request to call the person named nothing more. Frankie herself posted here explaining this just after the show aired in case you didnt see her post.
The above is , of course only MY opinion, which im entitled to, just as you are to yours Joe A.


Kayte Love

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:22 pm
by Joe A

I had a few back and forth emails with Frankie after the programme, as I felt sorry for her and the reaction she received from appearing in it.

I have to say, sorry but the whole outline was explained very clearly before any of us were filmed. If Frankie didn't ask the questions that Sahara and I did, then she is to blame, no one else. She also signed the model release at the end. There was going to be another model included, but she backed out almost as soon as filming started as she wasn't happy.

Finally, I'm not giving the opinion of someone who only watched it on tv, I'm giving it as someone who was in it :) What happened with Frankie was a shame, but she could have left the programme at any time as did the other model. This isn't having a go at Frankie, but an attempt to explain everything to you from the inside :)

Re: Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:58 pm
by BillBXD
You will probably find they will pay peanuts, but then again for the monkeys that are willing to take part in such high end lifestyle productions peanuts are the chosen food.

So fade out black with moody music and enter jonny bollax who shoots porn in his back yard (8mm styl"a") with his wife who shags the bin men every tuesday and then enter their 12 snotty dirty kids and granny foreskin.
Then pan out and phump the title: PORN A FAMILY INTEREST whilst the narrator explains how jonny and his family are industry standards!

At least with Trisha you get to see her whacky way out wardrobe

Sorry Aysha may indeed be making a good docuporn.

Bill (BXD)