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Conflicting advice from different clinics

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:37 pm
by Lolly Badcock
Hello everyone,

First my apologies to any fans reading this post as not relevant to you but something for performers and producers to take into account.

I have read the other posts on other similar topics and feel that the only area which has not been discussed is as follows:

If a performer is unfortunate enough get a STI they will act upon their doctors instructions on when they can work again.

One of the biggest problems i can see at the moment in the adult industry is the conflicting advice that many performers get from various different clinics. My examples are as follows with regards to Gonnorhea from what a number of different people have told me:

1 - NHS GU Clinic - If you are tested positive you will get a injection which will cover genital, anal, and throat which will work immediately and the infection should be gone in 7 days. Only then after a further 7 days should you be retested as whilst antibiotics are in your sytem - TESTS ARE VOID. Once the antibiotics are out your system you can then be tested again to give you the certificates you can work with.

2 - You can take a tablet which works in 24 hours and you are fine to go back to work. ( I have never heard of this until now?)

3 -NHS GU Clinic - You can take a tablet which works in 2 -3 days and fine to go back to work - ( what is it then 2 or 3 days?? )


I also feel that another big problem is that when a performer is on set and once the scene has begun and lets say for an example a blister is seen on the genital area or somebody smells bad a performer will carry on regardless and not draw this to anybodies attention as not to lose their money for the scene, create a bad reputation, stop the scene from being filmed, offend the other performer etc.

My apologies if this offends anyone but just voicing my opinion, looking forward to hearing other peoples views.

Thanks for reading

Re: Conflicting advice from different clinics

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:41 pm
by Joe A
Lolly.. are you saying that # 1 really means being off work for 14 days.. That's how I read it or am I being a bimbo. What you say about that makes sense.. The antibiotics will still be in the system after 7 days and do need time to be flushed out before a test can be done...

Re: Conflicting advice from different clinics

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:06 pm
by laralatex
I was on a set and one of the girls stopped the scene as she felt that something on the guys dick looked slightly worried. I was the only other girl on the set (behind the scenes) and the producer stopped the scene asked me to go in and look at he guys dick. I wasn't sure and said that it was up to the girl to decide but that if it was me I wouldn't work. If you EVER have any doubts DO NOT work. It's your life, your health and you should not be penalised for having to work with someone who you do not feel comfortable with. If you are only doing it for the money, then you need to take time out and think about why you're in this business.
NB I am not saying that you are only doing it for the money Lolly, I am just generalising.

As with regards to the gonnorhea. . It harps back to Tequila woods thread about people working when they shouldnt be. If you have a sti then get treated, and then tested again. We should be not just be looking after ourselves BUT ALL the other people we work with in this business.

Re: Conflicting advice from different clinics

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:46 pm
by randyandy
laralatex wrote:

If you EVER have any doubts DO NOT work. It's your life, your health and you should not be penalised for having to work with someone who you
do not feel comfortable with.

Sorry I am not in the business but have to say I couldn't agree more.

One other thing I would ad to this thread is that if someone said you had to carry on or started to try and give you a bad rep for not doing as far as your concernd Lolly everyone would know they were talking complete bollocks. There would be a reason for it!


Re: Conflicting advice from different clinics

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:08 pm
by sahara
Hi Lolly,

How are u babes. Terrry has edited our scene for my DVD and has told me its looking hot, so thankyou for that.

The advice for gonnoreah from NHS GU clinic is as follows.

if you are tested positive for gonnareah you will either get a Jab or tablets.
You cannot have any form of sexual activity for 7 days. After the 7 days as long as you have had no sexual activity you can work and your paper work will say so.

You will then get retested after the 7 days and hopefully you should be all clear. They will tell you your results on the day, but the clinic will not be able to give you a cert as they have to send it of to the lab as well.

So you can work after 7 days if all people concerned on the specific shoot are ok with it. If not you would have to wait the extra few days it takes to get the cert which is about 3 days.


Re: Conflicting advice from different clinics

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:55 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Your not wrong about conflicting advice

Just 2 snippets from the net

In women, if only the cervix is infected, the gonorrhea will clear up about 2 days after treatment is started. However, even though the symptoms may be gone, you need to take your medicine for the full time prescribed. Without treatment, the bacteria can spread into the uterus and to the ovaries and fallopian tubes. This can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (infection of the female organs) and sterility. The risk of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy also becomes greater.

If the bacteria get into the bloodstream, multiply, and spread, gonorrhea can lead to arthritis, fever, meningitis, and death.

How long will the effects last?
If only the cervix is infected, proper treatment should clear up the infection in about 10 days.

The effects of the disease depend on:

how long you have had gonorrhea
how much the infection has spread
if you have had gonorrhea before.
If not treated, gonorrhea in women can spread through the uterus to the fallopian tubes and ovaries, causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID can cause infertility, as well as increase the risk of a tubal pregnancy (a pregnancy outside the uterus). Further complications of untreated gonorrhea include spread of infection into the bloodstream and to other parts of the body.

Re: Conflicting advice from different clinics

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:43 pm
by jayme

As a retired adult industry model ( i am having another baby! YEAH) now working as a registered general Nurse. I would like to give my professional advice on STD's to keep you all safe.

My advice is and it should be the same from any health professional who holds information and has practiced or is practicing in the areas concerned with sexually transmitted diseases is:-
that if your tests come back as having any sort of infection you take the medication or treatment as directed by the clinics staff and REFRAIN from performing until you have had the follow up tests done to show the treatment you have taken has been effective.
There are some forms of treatment for chlamydia which involves taking a one off dose of antibiotics and other forms of treatment involve taking two sorts of antibiotics as a course over 10 days such as doxycycline and metronidazole. Both treatments vary depending on the severity of your infection.
Just because you have completed the treatment does not always mean it has been successful, hence the reason to have the tests repeated. Certificates will then be issued as per normal for you to continue with your work once the second set of tests have come back clear.
It can take up to a month for you to complete your treatment from start to finish... this means the initial tests you have, any treatment needed, retesting and then finally your certificates....
IF in doubt DEMAND a condom or to protect yourself bring any issues you have to the attention of the person in charge of the shoot discretely... they should be professional and sympathetic afterall it isn't your fault and they cannot expect you to perform with someone you think is going to put your sexual health at risk.
Many of these deseases are 'silent' and go unnoticed until it is causing irreversable damage to your fertility. If that doesn't matter to you now it may well do one day!

Play safe guys and girls and good luck to you all with your careers


Jayme xxx

Re: Conflicting advice from different clinics

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:10 pm
by jayme
just to add....
if you are tested positive for ANY kind of sexually transmitted disease you should not be undertaking sexual intercourse with ANYONE until you have the all clear...... this is VERY important and is to stop re-infection!
Re-infection can be so damaging and much harder to treat with lengthy courses of antibiotics which can cause nasty side effects and you don't want to have to stop working for as long as is necessary.
Listen to the clinic people and please NO SEX until CLEAR tests! WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!

P.s I would also if I was any of you reading any other STD threads get the information/advice given backed up by a health care professional..... too many 'lay' people give out incorrect advice which makes wrong advice!
I have worked in gynaecology for over 9 years hold a masters degree in adult nursing and I know what I am writing about!

Respect to Jayme.... worrying thought though

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:34 pm
by laralatex
You are right, (you're the expert) that you shouldn't sleep with any one else whilst you are undergoing any treatment. But what I am worried about is, that I have heard is that certain models who when they think they have got 'something', keep a supply of antibiotics 'handy'.They don't go to the clinic, they just pop their pills and keep on working. Surely this is increasing the risk of STI's in our business especially if they become less resistant to the antibiotics or are not taking the right ones. If they are taking ones that kill all bacteria then they are promoting stronger strains of different infections. REALLY WORRYING. Be careful of who you work with, cleanliness is NOT next to godliness! ;P

Re: Respect to Jayme.... worrying thought though

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:25 pm
by planeterotica
Yes and all the advice is good, but as s.t.c. are apparently running rampant within the general population why single out the adult industry who as we all know have regular test so therefore why scartemonger with the very people who are trying to set standards.