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Adult XXX Models Required

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:52 am
by moryano
Hi All,

We are a new production company looking for new xxx models for a forthcoming 'Gonzo' production.

You need not apply if you are slightly overweight, unattractive, inhibited or intend on working only with your own partner.

Please apply if you are georgous, have a great ass, uninhibited, great boobs (big or small, augmented or natural) and want to work with actresses or actors that are safe and professional.

YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED TO WORK FOR FREE - (BUT GUYS IF YOU ARE APPLYING, if you can't keep 'WOOD' you will not get paid and will not be asked to work with us again)

Please respond to (the reason for this hotmail account is we do not want to be bombarded by timewasters and spam junkies.

When responding please submit your Sex, Age, Ethnicity, Dress Size, Bra Size etc..

Please do not submit ANY IMAGES...(we will contact you for further information) if you have own website link you may submit that.

Good Luck, let's make honey!


Re: Adult XXX Models Required

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:15 am
by Joe A
I'll let someone else make the first comments this time :)

Re: Adult XXX Models Required

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:56 pm
by BillBXD
Hey Joe A

I guess your looking through your eye corner again (he he).

Mind you on the upside if this is the best there is there is no upside!

Bill (BXD)

Re: Adult XXX Models Required

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:12 pm
by Joe A
Hi Bill...

I'm fed up with always being the first to reply to these posts... LOL..

Me look out of the corner of my eye... Never... Though, I am often accused of looking too deeply and being too analytical..

The only comment I will make now is in reply to this quote:

"You need not apply if you are slightly overweight, unattractive, inhibited or intend on working only with your own partner."

Moryano... You are not going to find Mr or Miss World contestants here. A lot of female models may not meet your requirements regarding looks, and I do not mean that as an insult to them. They are damn good at what they do and so you'll find yourself with a lot of pretty models who will only do topless if their nipples are covered... LOL.

This biz is easy to get in to as a producer if you are willing to be more forthcoming about yourself. Two examples are MAI and Demon Eyes. They came in to the biz last year, and as they were completely open about being new, they received a lot of help and a few of the UK's best models have worked with them and I'm sure will do in the future.

When a guy posts about doing Gonzo and that's it.. Sorry but it looks as if you're just looking for sex.

Blast... I've done it and had a go after all.. But no one else did anything so I had no choice... LOL

Re: Adult XXX Models Required

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:13 pm
by BillBXD
Oh damn and bloody blast it.
So what you are suggesting is that this indeed might not be as reall as it looks! What a piggin shame I was about to whap out the old polaroid and get this good fellow a couple of shotts of me old bird in doors. Mind you his list of requirments are a bit steep but then again he's clearly a top chap at the peek of his game.

Shame because his post does seem quite GENUINE

Bill (BXD)

Re: Adult XXX Models Required

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:06 pm
by MisterC
moryano wrote:

> You need not apply if you are slightly overweight,

Does that mean that very overweight can apply then???

For MisterC one and ALL

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 12:41 am
by moryano
Funny!!! (LOL)

Without meaning to sound obtuse (try your Oxford) our intentions are simply honest and forthcoming.

I've read the various posts on this site and there seems to be a mixture of 'wannabes', 'wannados' and wannamakemyselfsoundpretentiousinabusinessthatprovidessextoanyonewho'llhaveme kind o' folks.

Please do not be 'put off' by the manner to which we approach our request for xxx models. We admit to being 'green' and 'newly formulated' but we have the one thing most productions don't have at the outset.....(?)

'Investors'...that's right we already have this in place. We do this because we love women, sex and porn (in any order you fancy)

If other production companies wish to make amateur british movies, that's great for them, and we won't knock them for it. If other production companies wish to make movies with everyday girls that walk down the street or with the 'next door type' then that's fantastic too. Hell, I'll still buy those movies occassionally and get off on them.


Asking for girls that are 'slightly overweight' to not apply was in truth, being kind...(which I can now see, was a less than truthful request) I accept that it is better to be forthright and incontrovertible when dealing with matters of employment. So I bow to what I trust was levity on your part MisterC.

We have not re-discovered penicillin or re-invented the wheel or discovered the cure for cancer. We just wanna make 'fuck flicks' (pure and simple)

MisterC...if you can help, great! you see, we live in a world that loves sex. And porn has to be created by men with big balls. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Joe A? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for more pussy and you curse the Newbees. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that british porn, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives...You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at swing parties, you want me to make new porn. You need me to make new porn.
We use words like Cumshot, Nice ass, and hope you can keep wood...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use 'em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who's dick rises and limps under the duvet blanket of the new porn that we'll provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it! I'd rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a camera or start fucking. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!

You wanted the truth..can you handle the truth who gives a fuck send us some nice pussy.

PS...we are not looking to get laid. (CLARIFY) We will not be fucking the talent. We hire the talent to fuck the talent (that's simple business sense)



Re: For MisterC one and ALL

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:51 am
by Joe A

After your last spouting of bullshit... Maybe you posted after too much to drink..

Why not go to the links page on this site and contact the agencies listed. They have lots of little pics of all the pretty and not overweight models you could want. I recommend Walpole to start with...

And finally... Next time you post could it be something that makes sense to everyone and not just yourself... That last post was in the style of someone who's been banned from here... hmmmmmm

Re: For MisterC one and ALL

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:16 am
by kevboy
exactly joe a.

why not just do what any other `budding` entreprenuer does..............................namely just get on with it.
when you have produced your first film, then come here and tell us about it.
if you are any good you will be told, if not, you are just another wannabee.
so put your money where your knob is and get producing

Re: For one and ALL

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:45 am
by moryano

You guys take everything so serious!

My monolgue was obviously adapted from the movie 'A Few Good Men' and was certainly meant to be taken in a jovial spirit. (a little bit of light hearted banter never harmed anyone, did it?)

Lighten up guys...this isn't a competition or a dick measuring contest. I not foolish enough not to take good sound advce when it's offered up for free.

You guys seems like your protecting some kind of terrritory. Only available to the tried and tested.

Kevboy...we are getting on with it, and of course until then we are proud to be 'wannabes' but why the indignation before we've even begun? Was it such a long time ago before you started out? or have you been burned so bad that the memories have left you bitter? Whatever it is, we are not your enemy, we are merely wannabes, tryingtobe...Can't you see your way to cutting us a little slack.

