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Password Site

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:48 pm
by Raven
Hi Guys

I have just found a password site with thousands of passwords to hundreds of websites....
If you have a members website please contact me with your details and I will send you the url.

Please e-mail me at

Re: Password Site

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:05 pm
by Raven
When you e-mail for details please state who you are and which sites you have.

DONT ask if I have passwords for specific sites I am not giving them away I am trying to help other webmasters protect their sites.

Re: Password Site

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:26 pm
by Digital Velvet Productions

Im Andre Anthony, director of Digital Velvet Productions, we own:

are any passwords listed for these? i guess its not too much of a problem even if they are i guess, we just installed the latest pass sentry program that logs multiple ip's , brute force attacks etc,
but interested to know anyway

Thanks mate


Re: Password Top 100 Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:39 am
by Raven
I have just found a Top 100 site for hacks and password sites.

Please dont ask for any details without sending an e-mail from your site...i will then send you all the details I have.

There are several guys on here that didnt contact me whos sites are listed and some of the passwords are still active.


Re: Password Top 100 Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:58 am
by nachovx
Do you think you can stop password hacking - there are literally thousands of sites worldwide, newsgroups, p2p.

Don't waste your time, because you will not even come close to making a dent.

Re: Password Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:43 am
by Paul L

If you have any ideas on how to totally stop all brute force, hack attempts etc would love to know how.

We monitor many sites for our passwords, and find that sites like karups, 1byday, playboy, atkingdom are also being hacked, and if sites the size of them are being breached, I would be amazed if there is a foolproof way of totally stopping all hacks.

We run pennywize like many other sites and that does a pretty good job in stopping password traders and even when a password of ours gets onto a site it is blocked after being used by 5 different subnets.

Just my two-pence worth, but I agree nachovx that we will never stop them, just need to be ontop of the situation.



Re: Password Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:17 pm
by Raven
We have 2 lots of software is impossible to secure a members area 100%

Like other sites the password gets shut down when used a few times from different locations.

No we are not new to the web.....Strand has been in the adult arena for over 25yrs and on the net for a good few years.

We think its nice to point out password sites that spring up when they carry thousands of also gives you a base url to place in the ban area of your software.

Re: Password Top 100 Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:20 pm
by Raven
I am not trying to stop anything....just pointing other webmasters to a site that holds thousands of passwords instead of the usual couple of hundred.