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Question to the Website Developers...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:47 pm
by JackHorny
Gallery creation - do you build from scratch or do you use a software package ot automate/apeed up the task?

I've considered creating galleries through Photshop or through the various web design software packages, but the look doesn't suit and I keep thinking it's gonna be best to create from scratch - just wondered what the concensus is out there... I'm also considering trying specific software such as JAlbum...

Interested in any advice and assistance please.

Re: Question to the Website Developers...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 7:51 pm
by Slade
You mean for making automatic HTML pages with thumbnails linked to pictures? Adobe Photoshop seem to be overkill. There are smaller utilities that can do it and where you constomize the outbit more. The best thing would be to have some server software using templates, like a web application written in Cold Fusion or similar. Then you could make statistics such as how much spesific pictures are clicked and which one are avoided.


Precisely what I'm driving at...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 8:04 pm
by JackHorny
The output form photoshop and other "standard" packages is pretty fixed in terms of limited customisation... I'm looking for something that will thumbnail and link automatically but with ability to custise output to a fair degree... I keep coming back to the same conclusion - like you said - either set up my own templates or look for a package more specific for the job...

I just wondered how most designers tackled this issue today.

Re: Question to the Website Developers...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 8:53 pm
by Joe A

Try this :

Re: Question to the Website Developers...

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:28 pm
by Simon
Jack, the best gallery maker in my view is Arles from Digital Dutch.
Very easy to use, set up your own templates, background colours, thumb sizes, crop the full size photos, add a watermark, etc...


This is the one!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:50 pm
by JackHorny

Thanks a million for this link - a quick glance at the screenshots page and eveything has come back sharply into focus - this is JUST the sort of thing i had in mind! Thank you.

Thanks also to Joe for his suggestion.

This is a great feature of BGAFD - yes, there's the odd niggling bit of negativity and conflict between folk - which is natural and unavoidable ANYWHERE in life - but i post a request fro help and I find established, reputable webmaster's giving me answers and assistance in little more than an hour after the request was made!

I'm genuinely very grateful!
