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Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:59 am
by ross_page123

I'm a 21 year old male performer based in the midlands...

Very easy going and easy to work with....

I have all current HIV/STD certs and am also able 2 perform with condoms if required....

I am fit and healthy and very hygienic i.e aftershave galore and always mints on hand....

I have worked with some great models from the industry including donna marie and Jen Martin...

I have references if you request them and also if i couln't perform for any reason on the day I wouldn't expect to be paid for the shoot...touch wood it hasn't happend yet... ( sorry for the pun )

Hoping to also try and give a good name as alot of the guys are time wasters.... Y do it guys, u should b grateful you get given the chance in the 1st place.......

Speak soon

Ross aka Scorpian

Re: midlands

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 3:37 pm
Hi Ross please e mail me i may be able to help you.