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Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:33 am
by Richard

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new service based at - here we are offering all our UK channels streamed to your PC.

We have also launched a new internet only TV channel called Adult Channel XXX - which is basically the hard versions of all the Adult Channel schedules. We're also pleased to let you know that the service also carries the Spice Platinum feed. This means that there are now 2 dedicated XXX feeds from our company that you can access.

As ever - your feedback is welcome, but we hope you enjoy watching the XXX versions of all your Adult Channel programmes.

Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:59 am
by Joe A
Just a suggestion from a webmaster...

That one page site looks good but.. You need more of a tour that shows samples of each channels product that is on line. Surfers like to know when sites are updated before parting with their money, and there is no indication of this as all there is... Is that one page and a sign up form...

Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:15 pm
by NeilUK
Hi Richard ,

I suspect the answer will be no to this but if we subscribe to Playboy TV itself do we get access to the internet channels?

I suppose we have to pay again to subscribe to the Internet version?


Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:51 am
by Richard

At the moment you do have to pay twice - that will change in the very near future.


Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:52 pm
by nachovx
It's still cheaper to buy a real subscription for the satellite version of Spice Platinum (?119 for a year).

Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:43 am
by Nigel
That's good to know - although I have just paid for a three month subscription, will any/part/all of this be refunded once this changes in the future? (As I do subscribe to TAC/Spice/PBTV on Sky Digital - and the sooner that Ofcom stop messing about and allow you to go all Hardcore there, then the better!).

Additionally, the channels have all been showing the exact same feed now for the past three days and Spice Platinums "Live" feed doesn't seem to be 24 hours as it never seems to work in the morning.

Can you introduce an option to undock the Media Player from the screen as currently you can either watch it in a small window ... or increase it to full screen. If it can be accessed through a resizeable Media Player window, then the user has more flexibility on the size of the video that they are watching, rather that having very little choice on the window size.

Finally .. as the PBTV FAQ isn't very clear - in the event that one wishes to cancel their subscription in advance, which EMail address should these requests be sent to and will the EMail be acknowledged as actioned.

Many thanks and I look forward to your comments.

Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:44 am
by Caligula
Hi Richard

Having just purchased a 3 month subscription to Playboy TV Online I have to say that there are some serious "minus" points about the service.

Okay the good news first though. I am very impressed with Sky Platinum. I find with a 750k connection I can stream very well. Full screen looks to fuzzy (even with Superfast quality selected) but if you are a few feet away from the screen then the image equates to VHS. Obviously this isn't something which Playboy can really improve upon due to even 2mb speeds not allowing for dvd quality.

Spice Platinum (for those who don't know) offers all our favourite British shows uncut. Its actually quite interesting to re-watch many of the shows like "Maids in Britain" in their proper hardcore format!

The downside:

Spice Platinum is excellent, although as someone else has pointed out the live feed does disappear during the day! I hope this is a technical issue which will be resolved shortly.

The biggest disappointment is the fact that apart from Spice Platinum, all other channels have not been carried live.... at all. This is despite the terms and conditions clearly stating that live feeds from Playboy/The Adult Channel/Spice Extreme and Climax will be shown. I subscribed 5 days ago and not only has no live coverage been shown on these channels, but THE SAME 24 hour feeds have been shown for 5 days!!!

If it wasn't for the excellent Spice Platinum I would already have cancelled my subscription.

I'm willing to to wait awhile and see if this will improve and that it is a problem just because its "early days", but it is extremely misleading to expect to receive live coverage from all these channels when what you currently have (apart from spice platinum) is no better than sticking a vhs tape repeatedly in your player!

Please clarify the situation for subscribers like myself and potential subscribers.


Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:44 am
by Richard

Thanks for the detailed feedback. We had a technical issue which meant instead of the live streams we had to put pre-recorded content up, we are meeting with our technical company this afternoon and hope that the situation will be sorted by mid-week.

I take your point about the embedded player and will also bring this up in our meeting this afternoon. I would send your emails to and we will deal with any issues directly from this office.

We will be working on the product this week to iron some of the flaws that have been highlighted on this forum and melonfarmers as well - believe it or not, we really want to offer a great product at a sensible price, so that it can grow over the coming year.

So any feedback is read and taken into account.


Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:47 am
by Richard

Not sure what was happening on Splat but we will make sure it is the full 24 feed within the next 72 hours. In relation to the others services this was a technical problem that came up on the day of launch - we have a meeting this afternoon and are looking to have it fully resolved by the middle of the week.

We're ironing out the bugs/kinks in the product at the moment, and your feedback is invaluable in ensuring you get the product that you want.



Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:23 pm
by Caligula
Thanks Richard

I very much hope these issues will be sorted out by the end of the week. I did initially praise the service on Melonfarmers and my favourable comments have been broadcast on Ofwatch as well. I very much hope that by the end of the week I can report to Ofwatch and Melonfarmers that the problems have been ironed out.

Perhaps all those with monthly (or quarterly like myself) subscriptions could have an extra week added to their membership as a gesture of goodwill?

Once this service is running correctly it will indeed be good value for money. I subscribe to playboy/adult channel through NTL (which I have recently re-subscribed to after hearing that SXTV has improved a little). Regrettably this will mean that I would continue to need to pay two subscriptions as not with Sky.

Spice Platinum is the main channel I'm sure most people will sign up for - those such as myself who have broadband but do not have (or wish to have) a huge satellite dish stuck on the house will benefit greatly, but it will still be worth watching some of the other channels live such as Spice and Climax which I cannot get through NTL (or only pay per night with Spice).

If all channels are broadcast live as they should be, then 24 hour feeds changing once a week for outside broadcast times would be fair enough.

I have another suggestion:

Perhaps the 24 hour feeds on Spice, Adult Channel and Climax could also be of hardcore material. I realise that the live feeds for these channels cannot be live due to broadcasting regulations, but all broadcast recorded material could be hardcore.

Kind regar