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Models Required for thursday 2nd Dec...

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:13 pm
Hi Everyone....

We are currently shooting on thursday night in Derby...

We have been let down by our model and are looking for a girl to replace her....

The shoot is a b/g shoot...

Please can you contact us on


Adam & Gavin

Re: Models Required for thursday 2nd Dec...

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:30 pm
by Joe A
And you are ?

I presume that you have full and current HIV/STD certs and expect the same from the female.

Is the shoot for a web site or film or what ?

Do you have any info that can be verified that you're genuine and in the biz ?

Your post isn't too different to:

Re: Models Required for thursday 2nd Dec...

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:33 pm
by tas
Funny that Adam (Diska) should have been let down by a model, now he knows what it is like as he let me down 3 times by not coming to a shoot he was booked for!

Re: Models Required for thursday 2nd Dec...

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 11:25 am
The reason I didn't show was I had alot of bad press about yourself from a male performer you had already worked..

I won't go into names as this would be very childish...

It isn't for my site it is for friend who has just set one up and I helping him out...

Re: Models Required for thursday 2nd Dec...

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:56 pm
by chuckstar


Youve had a lot of bad press form a male performer about Gary???

Ive worked with Gary on a few occasions now and I cant believe any one has anything bad to say about the guy. The shoots are fun, relaxed never cancalled and he has a great girl working for him that is stunning and reliable!
If any of the male or female performers who have worked for Gary has a bad thing to say about him or his work, id like to hear it! Im personnally starting to feel that people should be named and shamed if they are unreliable, or time wasters as it might make this industry alittle more stable and fun to work in. And thats for performers and productions teams and producrs alike. If I let someone down id expect to get named on a forum as letting someone down if there wasnt a very good reason. Or maybe a rating system like on ebay ( for those who use it will know what im going on about ) should be set up so that performers and prudcers etc can be rated after a shoot!?!?!

Now then...if you had bad press about Gary, why did you let him down 3 times?? Why didnt you just say no ta on the first one.... ???

And last but not least..... why are you looking for models for ya mate? Why cant he be on here doing it? Ok maybe he doesnt have that case...Who Is He? Any one we know? Why has the Model let you down?

Chuck Starr
" A Ronseal Stud.....Does what he says he'll do !"

Re: Models Required for thursday 2nd Dec...

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 2:37 pm
by Jayce Xaveri
I agree with Chuck here...
I have worked for Gary on a number of occasions..
And it has been nothing but professional....
I am looking forward in working with him again...
I also like to point out here that Chuck has a professional out look on being a male stud..
I hope you are finding work mate.. As things are slow for me again...

Att. Gary and Chuckstar

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:04 pm
by Flash1
well you guys...i said i never go on this board but fcuk it.
Gary is a 100% top geezer and Chuckstar you are a legend
what a weekend eh!! fuuny though im sure i can still smell farts on my clothes......good job we didnt go for that curry eh...!!!
i'll be in touch when i return from my little jaunt across the pond.
aka. Douglas

Re: Att. Gary and Chuckstar

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:09 pm
by tas
another top guy! excellent performances from you as well this weekend, I am glad we didnt go for the curry or we would never have made it to the shoot saturday morning. Enjoy your week in the states and see you when you get back!

Re: Models Required for thursday 2nd Dec...

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:32 pm
by chuckstar
I think weve proven a point here.

Who ever it is slagging who ever it is off should stop. If they were in the first place if you see what i mean.

Im also fed up with time wasters and makes life bloody hard work for those trying to do a job!

Chuck Starr

Re: Models Required for thursday 2nd Dec...

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:45 pm
by pheonix
Hey people! Its my turn now!

Just a quick question to Adam - Your last text message to Gary said that you had found Dudley - yet you have just admitted to not even bothering to set out.

I work with Gary all the time and he's a really nice bloke to work for, i cant imagine that you would ever hear anything bad about him.

Hope you three got a better nights sleep last night!

Licks n Kisses