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new (?) Amanda Hughes info
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 11:25 am
by joey
I recently posted a bit of (as far as I am aware) hithertoundiscussed info on Amanda Long (along with some more "established"facts) at Mr C's message board, see is worth noting that Festelle (see the post) also featuremany other well known British models. I'm not sure whether theirproduct is strictly relevant to this site, though ...Also interesting to note, and maybe more relevant here, is a sitethat seems to sell Festelle products (see ) but also hasa range of "Lucy Gresty Striptease" videos featuring variousbritish models eg Chanelle: Claudia Cassali, Kelly: Amanda Hughes..These have catalogue numbers like LG 40 - does this imply thatLucy Gresty has been hoarding a huge series of erotic vids featuringour favourite UK girls ???? Check it out at've no idea whether the companies mentioned are reliable, oreven still in business, though, so please don't take this asa recommendation... just a bit of research material..)
Re: new (?) Amanda Hughes info
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 11:01 pm
by plodder
Alec, the 12 girl sample tape mentioned under amanda's work. Who is it produced by and how can I obtain it. I remember seeing a video by her some time ago which had her doing two scenes with a dildo. One of the scenes she was playing at being a headmistress. Does this ring any bells with you.
Re: new (?) Amanda Hughes info
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 11:18 pm
by alec
The information abot the 12-girl sample tape came from John. I don't know where the tape was obtained from, but I doubt whether it's still available. I haven't seen any of her videos myself; so I can't help, sorry.
Re: new (?) Amanda Hughes info
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 11:21 pm
by alec
By the way, it should not be assumed that any particular tape listed on this site is still available. Many of them are not, though some of them may be re-released in the future, especially by the likes of angels, or as they are now called, Videoangels.
Re: new (?) Amanda Hughes info
Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2000 8:25 am
by John
I obtained the 12 Girl Sample Tape around 1995 (and assume it to have been made within the preceding 12 months). It does not have any titles either at the beginning or the end to signify who produced it. Having said that, in style and appearance it is very like some of the video's available from Hi Grade Productions and I suspect that there is some cross-over as far as production is concerned.
I did post an mpeg from the Amanda Hughes portion of the tape into some months ago and could repost it if there was enough interest. Her portion of the video is a single scene and does not include the headmistress section you mention, however I think that her accent and demeanour lends itself to this type of scene.
Re: new (?) Amanda Hughes info
Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2000 7:59 pm
by plodder
Any chance of a copy of this