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Safari Porno

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 6:20 am
by Bad Samaritan
Safari Porno is not a separate film but yet another title for P... comme p?n?tration. A considerable difference is that the characters and the filming crew are credited with faux 'American' names (Michel becomes Mick, and so on).

Re: Safari Porno

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:07 pm
by alec
Thanks, but according to Le Dictionnaire, imdb is wrong. Safari Porno is listed separately and in several places the reviewers mention a trilogy of films set in Africa: D?bordements de plaisir (aka Africa Fuckdreams), P... comme p?n?tration (aka Abenteur der Lust aka Sylvia's Abenteur)and Safari Porno. I haven't seen the third, but I'll take the word of Le Dico ahead of imdb I think.

Do you have a copy called Safari Porno which is identical to P... comme p?n?tration apart from the credits? What language is it, if so?

I ask because if it is in English it may be an American retitling (in ignorance of an original, different, Safari Porno - and if in German a German retitling in similar ignorance) and we may have the same confusing problem as with the two entirely separate films called Baby Blue - one a German retitling with Mike Hunter fake credits of Perversions pornos and the other an American retitling with different fake credits added (without obliterating the French ones) and English sound of Cette salope... d'Amanda ! So that I no longer know to which film the German title, Madelaine s?sses Luder, belongs. (I updated the entries to those yesterday; so the problem is fresh in my mind.)