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Need help with ID. Is it Kerry Dickerson?

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2002 4:28 pm
by Dennis
Can anyone ID this great looking girl?

Thought it may be Kerry Dickerson but not sure. Also, does anyone know the name of the movie.


What a picture

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:51 am
by Dan Molls
Dunno her name, but what an anal shot that is !!!

I reckon I could get my foot up there, and I'm not talking 12"!!!

Isn't she beautiful ? Great find pal...........

Re: Need help with ID. Is it Kerry Dickerson?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:42 am
by dusi
Sorry to disappoint but it's not Kerry, so far as I know she never did anal.