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Three "Michel Jean" movies

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:01 pm
by Carausius
Alpha France has just released 3 movies on one DVD (3h32, without bonuses, in French) by director "Michel Jean", an alias for Michel Caputo (who uses also the name Baudricourt). The original titles have all been modified. We have then : 1) "H?tesses tr?s sp?ciales", released in Paris 3/17/82, which is certainly "Wild Playgirls" aka "H?tesses tr?s intimes" ;
2) "Les patientes du gyn?cologue", released 11/19/1980 according to the cover, which I think to be "Der Frauenarzt from Place Pigalle", though IMDB gives for this flick the date 1981 ; EGAFD's 1984 seems erroneous) ; 3) "Parfums de lingeries intimes", released, they say, on 05/20/81. I am far from sure, but I suppose that this one is "Heisse H?schen".
I did not see any of these movies but I am satisfied that the sagacity of EGAFD experts will soon unravel this puzzle.

Re: Three "Michel Jean" movies

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:56 pm
by candela

Judging from the screenshots on the back and the description I would say

H?tesses tr?s sp?ciales = French Satisfaction
Les patientes du gyn?cologue = Der Frauenarzt from Place Pigalle
Parfums de lingeries intimes = Wild Playgirls

But Egafd claims Parfums de lingeries intimes = French Satisfaction so I don't know.

Although it's a great movie Der Frauenarzt from Place Pigalle should have been replaced with Diamond Baby since these 3 movie form a kind of trilogy.

And looking at the running time, the movies have been cut again so /me gives Alpha France the finger !tut!. I will keep my German Ribu dvds and just download these to hear the French dub (although German dubs cannot be beat for porn) and see some improved image quality.

Re: Three "Michel Jean" movies

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:31 am
by petitdoigt
I have a serious doubt about the alias for Michel Caputo.
Michel Jean is Michel Jean :-)

Re: Three "Michel Jean" movies

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:11 pm
by Carausius
Well, I'm not sure. But this identication comes from IMDB. It seems to be confirmed by the site "Encyclocine", though I don'know if they have independent sources or just follow IMDB.

Re: Three "Michel Jean" movies

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:51 am
by petitdoigt
Encyclocine is not a reliable source as there is some important mistakes.
In the new magazine Cinerotica, you have the real name of Michel Jean.

Re: Three "Michel Jean" movies

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:07 am
by Carausius
Thanks to Candela and Petitdoigt. You're both right. It would seem that, for some reason, by mistake or otherwise, Alpha France has switched the french titles of "French Satisfaction" and "Wild Playgirls". The films have once more been butchered. In "French Satisfaction", for instance, the scene where Alban Ceray is arrested by a "curly-haired cop" is missing.
As Candela says, the quality of the image is quite good. In "Frauenarzt", I found the scene between Richard Allan and Cathy M?nard stunning. This woman was really a killer.

Re: Three "Michel Jean" movies

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:04 pm
by Denaniel
Petitdoigt wrote:

[quote]In the new magazine Cinerotica, you have the real name of Michel Jean.[/quote]

For the benefit of those of us who are curious and don't speak French, can you tell us more of what Cinerotica has to say about Michel Jean?

I am a big fan of these Michel Jean films, regardless of the director's "real" name. :) I concur with candela's evaluation of the films' Ribu equivalents, and I agree with Carausius' sentiments in his last post, too. The deleted scene with the "curly-haired cop" who arrests Alban looks to me like a cameo by Peter Kwapinski, btw.

Just for the record, the three actresses who appear on the back cover that candela posted above are (top to bottom): Marianne W?ckerle, Cathy Stewart, and Dorle Buchner.

Like many here, I have mixed feelings about these Alpha France triple features. On the one hand, it is annoying and frustrating to see such good films butchered to fit three on one DVD-9. On the other hand, the restoration and improved image quality is remarkable, almost magical in some cases, and makes the films a pleasure to watch, despite the missing scenes. Although I would prefer to see them unedited in such excellent picture quality, I can live with having two versions: one full-length (or at least longer) in okay quality, and the other shorter in excellent quality.

And not to sound like a broken record, but I am still waiting for a native French speaker to tell us what Alpha France's "official" explanation is for why they have edited/shortened so many of these films instead of releasing them unedited on single or double feature discs.

Cheers, Denaniel

Re: Three "Michel Jean" movies

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:23 am
by Carausius
In fact, Cinerotica has not much to say. CB (Christope Bier), in a review of "A pleins sexes", enumerating cast and crew, has : "R?(alisateur) : Michel Jean [= Michael Goritschnig]. The same entry mentions the producer for Ribu Filmproduktion as "Werner Ritter Busch". The correct form of that name is "Ritterbusch". I found an item where this man recalls a few details about the filming of "Der Frauenarzt", concerning actresses Sarah B. and Uschi Karnat. It's in German : .