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Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:36 am
by Moli
Hello, I was updating my personal database and I have some questions for you all, so that I could clear my doubts about DBM.
First question: what does DBM exactly stands for? Some sources that I found indicate Dino's Blue Movie, while others (and they're wrong, I think..) indicate Dolly Buster Media. I know that DBM is a huge group owning the copyright of a lot of productions and items, but I'm confused cause some movies were indeed issued as "Dino's Blue Movie" while others came out as DBM only, apparently making me think that DBM and Dino's Blue Movie are two different things.
The husband-wife connection between Dino and Dolly contributes a bit to the confusion, I guess !happy!
..and coming back to the products that are somehow linked to DBM: how should we consider Tornado, X-Ray, Joker, Family Blue and the likes? Labels of their own? Labels only distributed by DBM? DBM sublabels (still being part of the DBM universe)? Or simply (as someone said) DBM series?
Thanks. (and sorry if it seems a bit confusing or to some of you even too obvious..)


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:54 am
by jj
Moli wrote:
> First question: what does DBM exactly stands for? others (and
> they're wrong, I think..) indicate Dolly Buster Media.
That was my guess; and yes, it seems to be wrong [img][/img]

> .. how should we consider Tornado, X-Ray, Joker, Family Blue
> and the likes? Labels of their own?
I list them separately in my notes as series [or sub-labels, if
you prefer]. The trouble with this approach is that it's easy to get
bogged down in the minutiae of classification- with Videorama,
for example, almost every other title can be placed in a subcategory,
e.g. 'Fick meine Frau', 'Harry S Morgan Spezial' etc. etc. and listing
them in this fashion makes locating a particular title a somewhat
unwieldy process [img][/img]


Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:48 am
by Moli
Thanks for your reply jj, as a matter of fact it's very unlikely that DBM could be something different than Dino's Blue Movie, as the first appearences of Dolly Buster on screen are from 1989 and DBM's early titles are from end of 80's, which makes Dolly Buster's involvement with DBM (in terms of name: Dolly Buster Media) impossible..


Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:38 pm
by T C
The early Dino movies had a special opening scene with his logo, mostly in the color blue but also some white and black in it, first you had the DBM text and a few second later on the bottom of the screen the 3 words "Dino's Blue Movies", I 'll see if i can find an excample of it between some of the old trailers of him.