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Anna Jerez where are you?

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:53 am
by Kypduron1
Hey Guys,

Anybody know what happened to the Anna Jerez profile it seems to have disspeared??!!

Any info on why this has happened would be good

Cheers Peeps

Re: Anna Jerez where are you?

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:38 am
by jj

Re: Anna Jerez where are you?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:21 pm
by Kypduron1
Her profile buddy, not a thread, where has her PROFILE gone it used to be listed but now it has dissapeared any idea what happened to it?

Re: Anna Jerez where are you?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:25 pm
by Kypduron1
No worries I found it for some reason they changed her profile to her other stage names and removed the name that most people know her by.

admin!!!! come on, update it and put the name Anna Jerez back on!!!

Re: Anna Jerez where are you?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:52 pm
by Walter Burns
Read the thread jj linked to in the secpnd post in this thread and you will understand that the girl you claim most people know as Anna Jerez was never credited as such.

Erm... you are talking about Kate Woman aka Ornella Chevron, are you not?

p.s. Another reason to read the thread j.j. linked to, is because you can find some biographical data for Kate Woman in the thread.

Re: Anna Jerez where are you?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:02 pm
by jj
Thankyou Walter, for your patience with this ummm, rather excitable,

I would add only that both the forum and the database are easy to
search, and that's it always wise to do so before posting
queries, as I have learned from bitter [and sometimes highly
embarrassing] experience.

Re: Anna Jerez where are you?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:53 pm
by Kypduron1
Cheers Walter,

I stand corrected,

I swear though about a year or two years ago I wrote in and someone said that something like "she looks like Ornella Chevron" and when I clicked on it it took me to Lucille Marx page as you said before.

That must have been before it was updated or something

But like I said I stand corrected, I WILL read all the text next time

Cheers : )

JJ thanks for trying to embarrass me even more

Re: Anna Jerez where are you?

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:12 am
by jj
Kypduron1 wrote:
> JJ thanks for trying to embarrass me even more

That's what I do : -))

Re: Anna Jerez where are you?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:08 pm
by Kypduron1
Alright JJ fair enough,

A question for you or Walter though as you guys do seem to know your stuff about her; a few year ago there used to be a set of pictures of her that was taken from the film verwandte (sorry I don't have the link to it, but I'm sure you know the ones I'm on about, I'll see if I can find the pics and upload them) however in the pics she is being DPP'd by the two guys and there is no sign of Chrystelle who fists her, in the DVD there is no sign of this scene but it is clearly from it as there are all dressed the same and the background setting is the same as well, do you have any thoughts or info about this... or even better can you tell me where to get this "hidden deleted scene" from somewhere?

Another thing; do you guys know where to get the films of hers but with the original voices and not the cheesy terrible German dubbing over the top?

Hope you can help guys

Speak soon

Re: Anna Jerez where are you?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:21 pm
by jj
I assume you mean this.
In my copy, at least, Kate/Ornella gets DP'd, and fisted by Chrystelle.
Allfist have the full version.
They're copies, sure [although it's very naughty of them not to make
that fact explicit], but usually fairly good ones.

There is no 'original sound' version. Most [all?] DBMs of this period
were dubbed in German.