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Three Questions

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2001 5:46 pm
by Otis
1. Just posted on the met-a-porn-star thread, and it got me thinking. I'm going to sound like such an ignorant punter, but are the many porn girls who do anal unusually accomodating in that area, or is there a pre-scene regime (I know they sometimes have an enema, but having dodged that particular experience all my life I'm not sure how that'd work)? Just going on the fact that - and this doesn't hurt my ego too badly - my dick isn't as big as Rocco's, and it certainly isn't as fucking big as Omar's, but every time I've ever tried to have anal sex with a girlfriend, however much preparation, it;s been pretty much impossible without an amount of pain that just isn't fair. Yet every time I watch a new video I spy another 19-year-old getting DP'd by elephant-trunk appendages, and it makes me wonder.

2. I was watching "Tricia" recently (don't ask) and there was some guy on there talking about how he'd been doing porn films - luckily, like most talk show hosts, Tricia's job is to be curious rather than morally wounded. Long hippy hairdo, trendy beard, tall skinny bloke. I was just wondering: has anyone seen/worked with this guy, and is he as much of a dickhead as he came across? He admitted he'd "waived the payment option" and done it for free (which immediately suggests that deep down he was in the business for the wrong reasons) and just seemed like a general posh tosspot. They rang his mum and he hadn't told her and she started crying and he tried to act tough. Maybe he becomes dynamite onscreen?

3. All this talk of videos getting "lost" in the post - I'm waiting on a delivery from ACF, and a (mercifully "couples-oriented"/non-prosecution worthy) gift coming in from abroad, and I'm getting nervous. I guess the one from abroad is in the lap of the gods, but how long should I be waiting really, and how common is "loss" in the post these days? Being friends with someone with a massive vid collection and two VCRs, I haven't ordered by post for years, since the days when you were more likely to get a badly-duped copy of the free cover-mounted video from "Fat & 50!" that stopped halfway through and went into a three year old "Eastenders".

Re: Three Questions

Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 4:53 am
by Ned
On question one I would say that the more you do it, the easier it gets. NOT FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, just "knew" a couple of young ladies who told me that was the case. If you've been with a girl for a while and want to try it, use comedy foreplay to get her used to the idea. Play fighting does the trick, usually with a tube shaped confection on hand (a tube of Rolo's works). That's the way to do it. Lots of fun, loads of lube when you go for it. Smaller the dick the easier it is for the girl. I knew it would be handy having one inch some day!! ; )


Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 10:44 am
by jj
why would a girl risk having to wear a nappy in later life just
so a guy can pander to his gay side ?!!!!

Re: anal

Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 12:41 pm
by Ned
Enjoyment? Some girls love it.

Re: anal

Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 4:55 pm
by pornoman
Don't knock it 'til you've tried it meister!

Re: anal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2001 4:51 am
by Flett
I knew a girl once upon a time (sadly, not in the biblical sense!) who felt that she hadn't had a good night of sex unless she had had one "whoofed up her shitter". Her words, not mine.

Re: anal

Posted: Wed May 02, 2001 9:04 am
by Ned
Yup. Just as some girls really love oral and even prefer it to penetration by penis, some girls really do enjoy a spell of uphill gardening. As for indulging our gay side, what bollocks!

Re: anal

Posted: Thu May 03, 2001 9:56 am
by Autolycus
One girl who is on this site once told me that if she could have one kind of sex in the future - anal, oral or vaginal - she would choose anal and couldn't understand why a girl would not want to be analled.

Re: anal

Posted: Thu May 03, 2001 6:09 pm
by becky
to jj

dont be so anal retentive that too think that a girl being fucked up the ass isnt loving every minute (well except the first few mins)of it and it not just for male pleasure

from someone who knows
Rebekah Jordan


Posted: Wed May 09, 2001 9:24 am
by Ben Dover
Way to go Becky!!!!!!!