bbfc censoring of r18 video
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2001 8:18 am
no particular reason for posting this, except that i don't see that it can hurt to have censorship issues that still pertain highlighted.
on a positive note my original post was despatched on saturday and the reply arrived this morning (monday). so if anyone feels the need for an explanation as to why we are still infantalised by the state, through curtailment of our right to consensual self expression, you will at least have your concerns addressed promptly.
please can you explain in more detail the reasoning behind your decision to edit a fisting scene and a scene involving dripping candle wax, from 'maxine's 2'.
my assumption is that the woman being fisted, is not actually being punched by anyone in the vagina but, rather, is being pleasured, by someones hand. to interpret a fist as innately violent because of it's symbolic as well as literal connotations, seems to be taking concerns over the interpolation of sex and violence, to unreasonable lengths.
an entire hand worked into someones body cavity may not be to everyones taste but your act of censorship seems illogical when applied to what is fundamentally, an esoteric form of consensual, non violent sex.
a similar case can be made for the use of hot, dripping, candle wax. i had to use candles during a recent power cut and inevitably spilled some wax on myself. it smarted for a brief period but certainly did not cause permanent damage to my skin or even temporary discoloration.
again, your decision to excise this scene seems motivated more by issues of symbology than actuality. in this case the dripping of candle wax may carry implications of sado-masochistic ritualism, even though no actual harm is being caused.
as with fisting, this may not be a mainstream practice but it is not injurious to any party involved, does not simulate injury to any party and it should therefore be permissible for the comsumption of adults.
i have not queried the cut involving a candle flame, as it's context is indeterminate.
can you also explain the process by which you might review your current definition of what is acceptable in the r18 guidelines (or any categorycome to that)?
do representations from members of the public such as myself, have any influence upon what changes might be brought to bear in the future?
a detailed response would be very much appreciated.
Thank you for your e.mail.
Cuts were required to MAXINE'S 2 because it contained scenes (of fisting and candle wax dripping onto the genitals) that are likely to be found obscene by UK courts under the Obscene Publications Acts 1959 and 1964. The BBFC regularly takes advice from enforcement agencies (the police, the Crown Prosecution Service, etc) about what kind of material is currently likely to fall foul of the law. Their most recent advice (including advice
received earlier this year) is that scenes similar to those shown in MAXINE'S 2 were likely to be successfully convicted under the Obscene Publications Act. The Board is not able to classify material that would be found against by the Courts.
Whilst the Board does seek to take account of public views, such as yours, we cannot ignore the fact that certain material is regularly found obscene by juries.
thank you for the speed of your reply.
your grounds for justifying the cuts are much as i expected but i wished to take the oppportunity of registering my objection to this censorship, as well as my reasoning for doing so.
for what it's worth, i anticipate that such scenes will become tolerated by juries putting the consensual, non violent nature of such to the fore.
sadly, little seems to happen by dint of rational debate in this island of ours but, over the passage of time, our attitudes do seem to be increasingly adult and less repressively judgemental.
on a positive note my original post was despatched on saturday and the reply arrived this morning (monday). so if anyone feels the need for an explanation as to why we are still infantalised by the state, through curtailment of our right to consensual self expression, you will at least have your concerns addressed promptly.
please can you explain in more detail the reasoning behind your decision to edit a fisting scene and a scene involving dripping candle wax, from 'maxine's 2'.
my assumption is that the woman being fisted, is not actually being punched by anyone in the vagina but, rather, is being pleasured, by someones hand. to interpret a fist as innately violent because of it's symbolic as well as literal connotations, seems to be taking concerns over the interpolation of sex and violence, to unreasonable lengths.
an entire hand worked into someones body cavity may not be to everyones taste but your act of censorship seems illogical when applied to what is fundamentally, an esoteric form of consensual, non violent sex.
a similar case can be made for the use of hot, dripping, candle wax. i had to use candles during a recent power cut and inevitably spilled some wax on myself. it smarted for a brief period but certainly did not cause permanent damage to my skin or even temporary discoloration.
again, your decision to excise this scene seems motivated more by issues of symbology than actuality. in this case the dripping of candle wax may carry implications of sado-masochistic ritualism, even though no actual harm is being caused.
as with fisting, this may not be a mainstream practice but it is not injurious to any party involved, does not simulate injury to any party and it should therefore be permissible for the comsumption of adults.
i have not queried the cut involving a candle flame, as it's context is indeterminate.
can you also explain the process by which you might review your current definition of what is acceptable in the r18 guidelines (or any categorycome to that)?
do representations from members of the public such as myself, have any influence upon what changes might be brought to bear in the future?
a detailed response would be very much appreciated.
Thank you for your e.mail.
Cuts were required to MAXINE'S 2 because it contained scenes (of fisting and candle wax dripping onto the genitals) that are likely to be found obscene by UK courts under the Obscene Publications Acts 1959 and 1964. The BBFC regularly takes advice from enforcement agencies (the police, the Crown Prosecution Service, etc) about what kind of material is currently likely to fall foul of the law. Their most recent advice (including advice
received earlier this year) is that scenes similar to those shown in MAXINE'S 2 were likely to be successfully convicted under the Obscene Publications Act. The Board is not able to classify material that would be found against by the Courts.
Whilst the Board does seek to take account of public views, such as yours, we cannot ignore the fact that certain material is regularly found obscene by juries.
thank you for the speed of your reply.
your grounds for justifying the cuts are much as i expected but i wished to take the oppportunity of registering my objection to this censorship, as well as my reasoning for doing so.
for what it's worth, i anticipate that such scenes will become tolerated by juries putting the consensual, non violent nature of such to the fore.
sadly, little seems to happen by dint of rational debate in this island of ours but, over the passage of time, our attitudes do seem to be increasingly adult and less repressively judgemental.