La Manager, la Modella, la Puttana, la Vigilessa... e tanto Sesso [Ringo; Boss Film]:
1) La Modella: Karma- b/g;
2) La Puttana: Sandra Kay- anal;
3) La Vigilessa: Nikky Parker- anal;
4) La Manager: Angelika Wild [pre-enhancement]- DP.
Film is nearly as long as the title- excellent value [e.g. ], four good performances, some nice lingerie; good make-up, lighting, videography.
Il Manicomio dei Soprusi Sessuali [FM Video, 2004]:
1) Uma Best- anal;
2) Demi Cool/Evelyn [2]- les;
3) Afrodite- anal;
4) Evelyn [2]- anal;
5) Demi Cool- anal;
6) Uma Best- anal.
Uma is a psychiatrist who visits a clinic where, of course, all the inmates are sex-mad nubile females. Aside from the ridiculous premise the production values are fairly high and the sex is well-shot and -lit.
Unlisted titles
Unlisted titles
"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
Re: Il Manicomio dei Soprusi Sessuali
1. Uma Best, Cristian Devil
2. Demi Cool, Angela Winter
3. Afrodite, Max Payne
4. Angela Winter, Uma Best, Kid Jamaica
5. Demi Cool, Adam Jannin
6. Uma Best, Fausto Moreno
Re: Il Manicomio dei Soprusi Sessuali
Thanks for contributing to the equality of the sexes : -)
I used to ignore the males back in 'the bad old days'.
I used to ignore the males back in 'the bad old days'.
"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the